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A/N There will be self-harm in this chapter. 

"All paladins to the training room!" Allura said on the intercom. One by one all of the paladins walked into the training room and stood in awkward silence. Lance didn't need to see to know that everyone was looking  at him. "Sorry, I forgot that I'm no longer a paladin. I'll leave." Lance said leaving but someone grabbed his shoulder. "No, your staying. You're still a paladin." Keith said. Lance felt a head device being placed on his head. "Today's training will be looking into your past and sharing what their needs to be shared between the Paladins!" Coran explained. "One by one we'll look into your past. Lance you're first!" He said flipping a switch on the device and then memories played in his head. The first one showed a dark skinned man slapping Lance. "You're such a disappointment! I can't believe my son is a queer! You are no son of mine!" The man spoke. "Papá! Listen, I still love girls but I also like boys! I'm still Lance!" A younger Lance spoke as he is slapped again. The memory faded away and showed Lance being surrounded by boys. One of them pushed Lance to the ground. "You're such a faggot! Why dont you kill yourself?!" The boy then pulled out a pocket knife. He then proceeded to cut Lance's arms. Lance yelled and yelled but no one came to rescue him. The boys finally left and Lance was now a bloody mess. That memory faded and showed a new one. Lance was all alone in a dark room crying. He was all alone. An alarm started to go off and Lance turned it off. The time showed 6:30 and he picked up a bottle of pills. The bottle said they were anti-depressant. His mother walked in and have him a hug. "I love you Lance, you are my number one." She said before she left the room. When she left Lance reached under his pillow and pulled out a razor. He made three huge cuts that ran up his whole arm. Blood rushed down his arms. Blood spilled on his bed and I'm his pillows. He cried and cried as the blood ran down his arms. Present Lance took the helmet off and threw it to the ground. His breathing grew fast and heavy. He tried so hard to repress those memories for so long and now they were out for the others to see. He heard footsteps coming close to him and he was panicking.

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