Pidge? Are you ok?

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Two weeks of trying to find the green paladin, Lance was getting worried. What if he couldn't find them? Lance would come back a failure like always. What if Pidge returned to the castle of lions and he was looking for nothing? Everyday he would ask if Pidge could hear him but the response would always be the same, silence. Lance cleared his throat and turned on the communication system. "Pidge? Pidge are you there? Are you ok?" Lance asked. Silence again. Lance sighed. He bet no one even noticed he was gone. He did everything wrong.
(Back at the castle)
"Can someone please get Lance?! He's hasn't been at the meetings! He has become rather annoying." Shiro growled. Everyone looked at each other. "What do you mean, he hasn't been here?" Allura asked. "I mean he never made it to the meetings. As the matter of fact he hasn't been attending the meals." Shiro said. "That's weird, maybe he's been training and sleeping, he's probably been stressing out about losing Pidge." Allura added. "He didn't lose Pidge. How was this his fault?" Hunk defended Lance. He hasn't been the same ever since Pidge went missing, they were a sister to him. "Who else's fault would it be? He can't see so he couldn't see the blast coming, he Sidney move out of the way!" Keith yelled. "He could see through the lion's eyes! How can't you remember that?!" Hunk yelled. Coran looked at him with wide eyes. "He could? How could this be, only the Paladins of old who piloted for years could see through the lions eyes." He said messing with his moustache. "Ugh, I'll get Lance. We're wasting time." Keith said storming off. Keith walked to Lance's room and pounded on the door. "Lance come on! You can't miss another meeting, dumbass!" Keith yelled. When he got no answer he opened the door and ran in. He looked around and saw the place a mess. Clothes were everywhere, blankets were on the floor, and food crumbs were on the floor. Maybe he couldn't find his way around the room and he was hiding in his room with food. He made his way to the training deck but found the place empty. He ran to the meeting room and slammed open the doors. "Lance is missing!" He said out of breath. "We have to call him." He said. "Allura call him now." Hunk demanded.
(With Lance)
"Lance, can you hear me?" A woman asked. "Pidge, is that you?" Lance asked full of hope. "No, it's Allura. Where are you?!" She yelled. "You are in so much trouble! How could you leave with no explaination!?" Shiro yelled, he sounded to pissed and ready to explode.

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