Please...Please go.

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Lotor's POV

"Lance, come on. Let's talk somewhere a little more private." I suggested, looking at my generals and the Alteans.

I guided Lamce to my room as he continued to ask me to join him. When we made it to my room I sat him on the bed. "Lance. I can not go with you. I am a bad influence and would just cause trouble. I still have an empire to rule to make sure they stay peaceful. I can't just abandon them when a peace treaty has just started." I explained. There was a pause before Lance spoke up.

"Bad influence my ass! I dont care that you dont see yourself as perfect, but I do! Just find someone else to rule, Zethrige would do amazing! Or maybe Acua! I can't leave you here! Who's going to help me with my powers?" He asked.  "I don't know but I can't leave. While you were in the hands of Haggar without my knowledge I already packed a ship that would take you, that paladins, and the Alteans to Earth. I knew you wouldn't want to leave me so I packed it without your knowledge so if you resisted I could make the paladins take you to the ship. I'm sorry, Lance." "I dont care that you're sorry, you're coming with me! You have to! Lotor, dont do this to me!" He begged. "Dont make this harder than it has to be. This isn't easy for me either." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I can't believe you're doing this to me! Are you scared? I don't know why you won't just go with me!" Lance said getting up from the bed and paced around the room, flailing his arms around as he talked.

"I just can't because I afraid I'll hurt you! I'm galra! I can't be trusted! I scared that people will judge me as the freak I am! I am a monster, Lance! Can't you see? I dont belong on Earth!" I yelled, also getting up. "You are not a monster! You are smart, you are brave, you are spectacular! You are fucking beautiful!" He screamed. We both paused and looked at each other. " dont mean that." I whispered. "Yes, I do. Please come with me. We'll have an amazing time together." He begged. "I...I have to go...go to a meeting with other galras to speak about the peace." I said and walked out of my room, leaving Lance.
Lance's POV

I stared as Lotor opened the door and left. Silent tears ran down my face as I just stood there, looking out the door. I crumbled to the floor and placed my head in between my knees.

I sat like that for a while and cried before I heard a soft knock at the door and it opening wider. I shot my head up, expecting it to be Lotor but it was Hunk. "Hey Hunk." I said softly. "Hey buddy. You ready?" He asked. "Ready for what?" "We're leaving soon. Lotor said we can leave whenever we want. We're going back to Earth!" He said excitedly. "Lotor also said that if you resisted that I have to just drag you to the ship. What's that all about?" "Nothing. I dont want to leave." I said putting my head down. I heard him sigh before being lifted up and thrown over his shoulder.

I shouted and hit his back, yelling for him to put me down. "Hunk! Put me down or I swear to god I will murder you with watery death!" I threatened. All Hunk did was scoff and I reached my hands out and focused on the water in his body. His body jerked to a stop and slowly put me down. "That... was freaky." He said with wide eyes. I released him from the water grasp. "I'm not leaving without Lotor." I said sternly.

"I'm sorry Lance." Someone behind me said. I turned around to see Lotor with a stun gun raised and powering up. The gun shot me in the chest and I blacked out. "Lotor?"

(Dont worry! Lotor dodnt try to kill Lance. It was a stun gun, it only makes the person being shot pass out, they won't even bleed.)

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