The unwanted rescue: Lotor's POV

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After I took Lance to the clinic and back to his room I instructed him to stay in bed so he wouldn't open his stitches. Even though Lance objected at first he finally obeyed. I was with the generals practicing aim with many weapons, guns, bows, even tasers, when the alarms went off. We stopped practicing and went to a monitor to check what was going on outside. "Voltron... All of you go and fend off the paladins, I'll go check on Lamce and make sure they dont take him!" I yelled. The generals nodded and I headed towards Lance's room. When I arrived his door was opened, not a good sign. When I went in I noticed his gun was not on his bedside table. It could be a possibility that he just moved it but i found it unlikely. Then static came from the comms from my suit and then I heard a voice. "Sir, we found Lance. He's here at the fight and he's next to the Paladins." Zethrige said. 'Oh God Lance, please be there when I get there.' I pleaded. I rushed out of the room and down the halls. On my way I took a guard's gun and ran towards the red lion. "Lance!" I yelled at him but that also got the attention of the yellow paladin. "Don't worry Lance, I got this!" The yellow paladin said as he aimed his gun at me. Lance looked at the gun in terror and pushed the gun to fire somewhere else and said sorry as it shot a guard."Lance what are you doing out here?! I told you to wait in your room until your wounds healed! And look at you, you dont even have armor on, you could've gotten hurt!" I yelled. Then the yellow paladin said something to Lance and then to the red paladin. All of a sudden the red paladin was there and was dragging Lance towards the lion.
"I dont want to go!" Lance cried. I tried to run as fast as I could to get Lance but I was too late, they were already on the lion and was flying away, I failed him. I then fell to my knees and cried.

I lost him.

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