Bonding with Blue

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Lance was concentrating so hard that his head began to hurt and his grip on the handles tighten. Like a miracle he saw something. He began to see the hanger! He couldn't see though his own eyes but he was seeing through Blue's eyes! Lance flew out of the hanger and started shooting down ships. Through his helmet he could here his friends congratulating him on flying his lion, everyone but Shiro. Shiro didn't say a word. The fleet was bigger than what he expected. Hundreds of jets swarmed each lion. Lance shot left and right taking out fighters one by one. Each blast hit five fighters. Lance was never prouder with himself before this moment. He could hear each person praising him but Shiro again. Why  wasn't Shiro proud? He should be proud, Lance overcame his blindness and fought tons of fighters. His bond with Blue was stronger than ever, she felt like family to him. If only Shiro could see how wonderful this is. "There's to many! We need to form Voltron!" Pidge shouted. "Lance isn't ready!" Shiro yelled harshly. "Give me a chance! I can do this, you just have to stop being a stubborn bitch!" Lance yelled. He was so upset that Shiro was the only one who thought he couldn't do it, the only one who couldn't see his potential. "Form Voltron." Shiro said quietly. Lance was prepared for anything now, or so he thought.

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