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"Two weeks? How am I going to train? How am I going to get around the castle?" Lance said pacing the floor with difficulties. "We don't know, we thought of options if you can't." Shiro said. "What options." Lance said stopping, he was afraid of what he'll say next. "I think we should replace you, you can't fibut or fly so this might be the best option." Shiro said. "Hunk do you think so?" Lance asked. Hunk didn't answer. "Keith, Pidge? Coran?" None of them answered. "Fine. I don't need you guys anyway. It's not like I left my family to save the universe or risk me life to be here." He said walking out the door but when leaving he bumped into the door frame. He heard footstep coming towards him but he walked away. As he walked away he kept one hand on the wall. He remembered where his room was so he headed there to get the music play that Pidge made for him. He grabbed the player and randomly preased a playlist and put in the ear buds. He then walked to the training room still walking against the wall. He sat in a corner of the room and thought. He thought about how he'll be replaced, he thought of how he'll be blind forever, he thought about how weak he is. He felt so alone he just wanted to die. He felt like the world was crushing him. He felt like he was drowning in depression. He had medicine to help at home but when they left earth he also left his medicine behind. Everyday grew more and more dark and empty. He didn't want to live anymore. The music he choose just so happned to be sad music, just his luck. He was brought back to reality when someone yanked his ear buds out, it sucks not being able to see. "What do you want?" He growled. "Lance I'm sorry for what Shiro said." He heard Keith say. "You are apologoing to me? That's a first. It's whatever I dont care, just leave me alone. You guys were right, I shouldn't be on the team anymore. I'm just a seventh wheel." Lance said looking down.

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