Feeling left out...

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Shiro's POV

It's been a mess since Lance went missing. Keith won't stop training, he barely eats or sleep, it's like the training room is his home. Pidge and Hunk stay in the lab to try and find Lance's lion to find Lance himself. Allura stares at the star map for hours everyday while Coran cleans the castle and tries to pry Allura from the star map. No one will talk to me and I feel alone. I dont understand why everyone stays away. Lance was just dragging us down and kept fooling around, he never did any good. I was deep in thought when I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door to see a sad Allura. "Hello Princess. How may I help you?" I asked. "Shiro I came to you because I need someone to go on an important mission." Allura explained. "There is a planet at war with each other and won't stop. If it goes any longer then the entire species will be wiped out. I need you to go to the planet to find a way to bring them peace." Allura continued. "I will do my best Allura. No if you excuse me, I will get my armor on and head to the planet." I said closing the door. As Allura walked away she muttered something under her breath, "I'm surprised you even know what peace means." What? I know what peace means! Why would she say that!?

After I got my armor on I walked put of my room and headed twords my lion. As I turned a corner I bumped into someone. "Watch it!" Someone snapped. I noticed the voice belonged to Keith. "Keith? Are you ok? You've barely left the training room." I stated. Keith didn't give me an answer. All je did was roll his eyes and scoffed. He walked right passed we twords the dinning room. I was dumbfounded, Keith rolled his eyes at me. He's like a little brother to me. (I didn't put this in here to offend anyone! Anyone can ship whoever they want together and that's fine. It's just canon that Keith thinks of Shiro as a brother. Ship who ever you want just don't get angry in the comments!)

I shrugged it off and made my way to the lions without bumping into anyone again. As I made it to the black lion the force field was up. The first thing that came to mind that an intruder was in the castle. I hand glowed purple and I looked around ready to fight but nothing seemed out of place. I went up to the force field and placed my hand to the field. "Hey open up. It's meeeee, Shirooooo. Your- I am your paladinnnn! Hey! Come one! We're connected!" I yelled. Nothing I said seemed to work. I panicked and ran to Allura. "Allura! The black lion put up a force field and won't open up! What should we do?" I asked. Allura sighed. "I'll get Keith and we'll look at the lion." Allura said walking away. "Why would we need Keith?" "Just trust me! Meet me at the lion." Allura said raising her voice. I flinched and nodded. I walked back to my lion and wondered why my lion won't open up. Was I not worthy anymore? The next thing I knew it I was at my lion with Allura and Keith. "Shiro, watch carefully. Keith, walk up to the lion." Allura said. Keith nodded his head and walked up to the lion. As he got close enough to touch the force field dropped and let Keith in. "W-what? Allura, what happned?!" I asked. I looked over at Keith to see him looking glad to see the lion open up to him. "Keith is the new head. You have torn this team apart and sent Lance to the galras. You have been replaced." Allura explained.

This can't be happening.


Special thanks to fatel_afterdeathgeno for giving me the idea for this chapter! I wouldn't have done this chapter if it weren't for them. If you also have suggestions you may comment below and I may add them to my chapters!


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