Power of Mass Destruction

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Lance's POV

I waited for Allura's response, still pointing the gun at Shiro. I was so tired of being in space. I just want to take Lotor and the generals to Earth to live there til we die. We'll walk on the beach and buy a house for just the five of us. We'll live in peace 'til we die.


"What? What do you mean 'no'?!"

"I mean no! I will never surrender to galra scum and a traitor!" She yelled. "You do realize but not surrendering you put the paladins is danger? By not surrendering you are willingly letting the paladins suffer! You're forcing them to fight just because you don't want to let down your pride! How idiotic can you be?!" I yelled and them looked at Hunk. "Hunk, do you want to keep fighting or just go home to your family?" I asked. "I...I want to go home...so badly. Everyone we knew thinks we're dead or missing. I want to see my mom again." Hunk said softly. "See! Hunk, your paladin, would rather go home than fight your war! It's not just up to you, it's also up to your soldiers! Remember, they didn't choose to be in this war. We just happen to stumble upon the blue lion and was tossed into this war without a say! We didn't want this!" I screamed. "Too bad. I don't care! We are not backing put of this war!" Allura yelled back.

That's it.

I lifted my hand and felt the water in her body. I used her water to force her to move towards me. She grunted in pain and made her way over. "W-what are you doing?" She asked weakly. "Oh nothing, just using the water in your body to do my bidding." I said looking at my nails. "Now, hold this for me." I said while making her take the gun from my hand and point it at Shiro.

"End the war or you'll have to kill Shiro."

"You're fucking insane! I'll never do it!" She screamed and tears started to form in her eyes. "I'm glad you said that. Don't forget that I can control your every movement so even if you dont want to I can force you to." I said cheerfully. "You're a monster!" "No, I'm just someone trying to end a war. So what's it gonna be princess? Kill Shiro or hurt your pride to end a war?" I said calmly. I watched as sweat rolled down her face and she stared wide eyed at Shiro and the gun. She seemed to take forever making this decision. This should've been an easy question to answer! Was her pride that important that she wanted to kill someone over it. Dont get me wrong, I want Shiro to die but really? She rather do this than end a war?

She closed her eyes and squeezed the trigger. The only thing that you could here was the gun firing and Shiro collapsing to the ground. Pidge screamed and buried their face into Hunk's side, crying. Hunk cried with them but didn't say a word and Matt stood there in shock. "What the hell! Is your pride more important than ending a war!? What is wrong with you?! You are a monster! Zethrige, knock her out! Put her in a cell and keep her there. Tell me when she wakes up. Ezor, escort the three remaining paladins to guest rooms. If they request to be in separate rooms or in the same room make it so. Acua, get me something to dig with. I shall give Shiro a proper barial. Even though he was an asshole he was a soldier. Lotor, go to your room. I'll meet up with you when I'm done. I'll will also get Coran from the castle of lions." I said grimly. Everone nodded and did what they were told. Lotor hesitated but went to his room. Lotor disbanded his version of Voltron to leave me a ship to retrieve Coran. Acua came back to give me a shovel before leaving again.

"Guerra después de la guerra. Cuando se va a terminar?" I muttered to myself as I dug a ditch. After forty five minutes of digging, Shiro's grave was done. I dragged Shiro over to the hole and rolled into it. I then proceeded to bury Shiro with the soil that was dug up. After he was fully covered I could a rock that I used as a tombstone. I grabbed another rock and used it as chalk to write a message. "Here lies Takashi Shirogane. An honorable paladin of Voltron from planet Earth. He shall he missed by many. May he rest in peace." After I was satisfied with what I wrote I hoped into the ship and flew to the castle of lions.

I sent a video chat request to the castle which was soon answered. "Coran. It's me, Lance. I request that you come aboard my ship. I will bring you to Prince Lotor where we can discuss a peace treaty." I said. "Lance! I'm so glad you're okay! Of course I'll get on your ship!" He smiled before ending the video call. I picked Coran up from the castle to bring him to the bigger ship. "Coran, I'll set up a room for you to stay in while we set up the peace treaty." I said as we exited my ship. "Thank you Lance! Just show me my room and I'll be okay!" He said cheerfully. I nodded and showed him the room he'll be staying in. I waved goodbye and walked to the room where the paladins are staying.

Ezor showed me what rooms the paladins were staying in, I thanked her and knocked on the first door. The door slowly opened to reveal a red eyes Pidge. "Hey Pidge. How are you holding up?" I asked softly. "Well I saw Keith and Shiro murdered in front of me, Allura knocked out after not giving into peace, and now in the center of the galra. So, not the best situation." They said rubbing their eyes. "I know and I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to make the situation any better? If Allura surrenders to peace we can go back to Earth." I said happily. "Can...Can I talk to Hunk?" She asked hopefully. "Of course! Why didnt you ask Ezor to room with him?" I asked. "I felt kinda awkward around her. She seemed too happy after what just happned." She admitted. I led her to Hunk's room. I asked him how he was doing and he said he was a little shaken up by the situation but has gotten better. I was about to talk to Matt but I really didnt know him too much. All he knows about me is that I'm a traitor to Voltron and joined the galra, the people that kidnapped and tortured him. So maybe not the best idea to talk to him.

I solemnly walked to Lotor's room. What a fucking day it's been. Without knocking on the door I walked in and flopped on the bed face down.

-----------Line breaky thing------------

Lotor's POV

"...Lotor, go to your room. I'll meet up with you when I'm done. I'll will also get Coran from the castle of lions." Lamce said darkly. Everyone nodded and did what they were told to do. I wanted to stay on comfort Lance but I think he needs his time alone. I followed Ezor and the paladins on the way to my room. The shortest one held onto the new paladin's arm and cried. I truly felt sorry for the child. I've gotten really soft, what did Lance do to me?

I got to my room and took off my armor. I through it in the closet and sat on my bed in the black under armor. I sighed and rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hands. I can't believe the princess refused peace and shot her own paladin. I can't believe Lance can control the water in people's bodies and didn't even tell me. I sat there for about an hour and was about to doze off when my door opened and someone flopped on my bed.

I looked towards the person who invited themselves into my room and saw Lance face down on my bed. "Lance? Are you okay?" I asked softly. "Am I a horrible person?" He said looking up at me. "Wha-No! Of course not! Why would you ask that?" I asked baffled. "I forced someone to either choose peace or shoot someone. I basically killed Shiro! I used my power to make someone do my bidding. I just feel bad for everything that I did." Lance said. He started to shake and his breathing quickened. "Lance, you need to calm down. You're going to make yourself have a panic attack. We can't have you panic on us now." I said calmly. I took a deep breath in, "Follow my breathing." I said and let out my breath. We continued to breath together until Lance calmed down.

"I'm sorry." He said looking away. "It's going to be okay. After this is all over we can go back to Earth." I said while I played with his hair. "Lotor? Why do you care so much? When we first met you were cold and mean towards me but now you're nice and loving. Why is that?" He asked. "Well you changed me. You're caring, loving, gentle. You're just amazing! You made me into a better person and I thank you for that. I guess what I'm trying to say and failing is that I lov-" I started to say until a knock at the door cut me off.

"Lotor, Lance. Allura is up. We should go talk to her and make her choose peace." Acua said as she opened the door. "Thanks Acua! Come on Lotor!" Lance said leaping off the bed and racing put the room. 'Great.'

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