Training to be a General

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Lance's POV

Sleep didn't come easy last night. I stayed up all night hoping Lotor and the others would forget the mental breakdown I had. They saw me at a very low point the first day I was here. Lotor gave me sight and he was very generous. He was so much nicer than Shiro could ever be. As I was finally going to drift off into sleep a loud knock startled me wide awake. I slowly got out of the warm bed and walk to the door. I opened the door to see the pink general standing there with armor in her arms. "Hi Lancy Lance! How are youuuuu- you look horrible! Did you not sleep?" She asked with concern plastered on her face. "No, but I'm fine. Just don't tell Prince Lotor, it's nothing. What are you holding?" I said changing the subject. "Oh, this is your new set of armor! Just discard the one you have now in the closet and put this one on. I'll come back later to get you." She said handing me the armor and leaving. I looked down at the armor and tossed it on the bed. I took at deep breath and then started to take off my paladin armor but leaving the under suit on. I looked at the blue voltron V on the torso piece of armor before tossing all of the armor in the closet while leaving the bayard on the bed. I then proceeded to put on the general armor and helmet. I looked in the mirror and couldn't lie that I looked good in the armor. Their was another knock on the door and I rushed to pick up the bayard and open the door. To my surprise, it was Lotor and not the general. "I see Ezor already have you the armor. Come on, I'll introduce you to the other generals and get to training." He said leading the way. I nodded and followed Lotor down the halls. We didn't speak as we walked but I was still terrified that he'll bring up the panic attack. "So about yesterday." Lotor started. Speak of the fucking devil. "What exactly happned?" He said stopping and turning to face me. "I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. "Lance don't lie to me. What happend?" Lotor asked more sternly. "I just dont want to talk about it. You probably don't even care, you just want to know what made me so vulnerable so you can use it against me." I said ranting. "Lance, you're not a prisoner, you're a general so there is no reason to mess with you. I just need to know so it doesn't happen on the battle field." Lotor explained. "It was a panic attack, it doesn't matter. Let's go." I said continuing walking. Lotor sighed and dropped the conversation. He finally got to the training room with all the other generals waiting inside. "Lance I would like you to meet Axua, Ezor, Narti, and Zethrige." He said gesturing to each half galra. Even though they couldn't see me through the helmet I smiled at each of them. "Are you sure he can fight? He just a punny human." Said Zethrige. "We'll see. Lance choose a weapon." Lotor said pointing to a table with many swords, staffs, guns, and tazor guns. I walked over to the table and looked at each weapon and then down at my bayard. "I was hoping to use this, if that's alright." I said turning to the galras. "I'm sorry to say no. If we fight against the Paladins and they see that you posses a bayard they would try to take you away or make you a disgrace and kill you. You'll have to choose from the weapons on the table." Lotor explained. I sighed and placed my bayard on the table and grabbed a gun that looked like a glock. "I will test your accuracy. I will tell you where to shoot on the body and you will shoot." Lotor explained as a practice dummy appeared from the ground. I nodded and got into position.



"Left shoulder"




"Big toe"

I took a deep breath..


A hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up to see Lotor smiling down at me, "Good job Lance. You'll be a great extension to the team." I nodded and looked at the others. Ezor smiles and have me a thumbs up, Zethrige game me a challenging smirk, Axua nodded her head in approval, and Narti just stood there quietly. Maybe being a general wouldn't be so bad after all. 

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