Who needs sleep?

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Lance's POV

"Oh my god! Pidge we're almost home! Lotor, guess what! We-" I yelled before realizing my mistake. "Oh, yea." I then heard hushed yelling from the other room.

"Lance, it's going to be okay. You'll be able to see you're family soon." Pidge said as they put a hand on my shoulder. "You'll have loads of fun. We'll go to the beach, go lazer lazer tagging, eat other things than just expired goo." "But I want to do the with Lotor." I sulked.

"That's it! Why do you have to be such a baby?!  He was just some alien that tried to kill us, multiple times! Why can't you get over him?!" She yelled. "Pidge, please. Just calm down. Dont say that." I said shyly. "We're almost home, just please stop." "Just tell me! You can't sulk forever!"

"Because I love him! Okay? I'd that what you wanted to hear? I love him so much and I wish he were here to share my love but he's not! I hate being away from him for this long and such a long distance! I don't know oof he's okay or is Haggar got to him! Just... just leave me alone. I thought you would be ther person who should understand what this feels like, with San and Matt. I guess the great Katie Holt can't sympathize." I yelled. Again I heard hushed yelling from the other room. I swear to god, of I hear them again imma kill.

Pidge stormed of to another room and I just started as we passed the moon. I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes. I needed a nap. I was about to lay down when someone sat next to me and raked their fingers through my hair. I leaned into their side, too tired to open my eyes.  "Wake me up when we get there." I mumbled before falling asleep.


I was waken up by Pidge. "Lance! We're going down! Brace yourself, we're gonna crash!" She shouted and clung to my chest. Red lights flashed and a loud alarm rang throughout the ship. I protected Pidge's head with my arms and readied myslef for empact. I let out a scream as the ship landed onto Earth. A loud crash was heard and everything was flown everywhere. Pidge and I were shot out of the ship and through a window. I covered Pidge with my body so I took most of the beating and she was safe for the most part.

When we landed I carefully got off of Pidge and laid on the ground. "What happened?" I asked. "One of the ship's engines burned out and we didnt have enough strength to land the ship carefully." They explained. I nodded and let out a deep sigh before I shit up into a sitting position. "Hunk!" I yelled and darted to the rubble. I through tons of rock off of the giant lump and about 30 minutes later I saw Hunk's bandana peeking through some of the rock.

Pidge and I hurried to get the large rocks of the his body but something didnt seem right. When Hunk was free of rocks I tried to wake him up but he didnt even stir. Blood flowed down his side and face. Panicked, I placed an ear to his chest and searched for a heartbeat. Tears started to form as I heard none.

"L-lance." Pidge said behind me. "Yea?" I whispered. "Look around." They said. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and slowly ripped my gaze from Hunk. I turned around to see that everthing look dead. The grass, the trees, everything was dead. Even dead people littered the streets.

"Oh my god!" I gasped. I ran out into the streets and knelt in front of a wife, husband, and a little boy. "Mama! Papa! Marco! Please, don't be dead!" I cried put and hugged my dead brother.

"Lance...Lance..Lance! LANCE WAKE UP!" Pidge yelled. "W-what?"

<sleepy time over>

"Lance wake up! It's okay! You're fine." Pidge said and they shook me awake.  I stared up at them as I layed on the floor. Whoever I leaned on before has how left. "Sorry for falling asleep. Are we there yet?" I asked. "Look for yourself." She said pointing at the window. I looked over and saw the the green and blue of the Earth. We were so close. "We should be landing in about an hour." She informed. I nodded and kept looking at the beautiful Earth.

I'm coming Mama.

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