Time for Battle!

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Lance's POV

"Lotor, come on. Let's get you to bed." I said to the blushing galra. He nodded while he still had his head in his hands and walked beside me. "What was that about? We aren't dating... are we? Did you become my boyfriend without telling me?" I asked jokingly while chuckling. "No, we are not dating. I would not make you be with me without you being okay with it." Lotor said looking down. Once we got to Lotor's room I opened the door and led him to his bed. "Goodnight Lotor. Even an emperor needs his sleep." I explained before turning to leave. "Wait!" Lotor shouted and grabbed my wrist. "Whoa, are you okay?" I looked at him baffled. "Y-yea I'm okay. I just can't sleep. Tell me about Earth." Lotor asked while still holding onto my wrist. I smiled as I thought of Earth and sat on the corner of the bed. "Earth was- I mean is great. I loved going to the beach with my family. Building sandcastles with my little cousins, splashing water with my siblings, looking for seashells with my mama. I remember sneaking up behind my sister and shooting her with a water gun, so on it became a war until one remained. I also liked it when it rained. Sometimes it was peaceful and beautiful but other times it was harsh. There was one time I was outside with my abuela, we were planting many flowers, and it started raining. I expected her to want to go back inside but she looked at me and knocked me into a muddy puddle." I said until Lotor wipped a tear from my face, I didn't even notice I was crying. "When did you become so compassionate and loving? The first time I met you, you were closed off and cold." I chuckled. "Do you not like me being loving? Would you rather me be cold?" He questioned. "No, it's just you changed so much. I'm proud of you." I smiled. "Maybe...maybe after the war you could come to Earth? I could introduce you to my family and take you to the beach." I offered shyly. "I would like to." He said after a moment of silence. I squealed and hugged him. I suddenly got hit with a wave of safety and tiredness. I began to fall asleep before sirens blared through the room.

"Lotor? What's going on?" I asked scared. "We're under attack. Get your armor on and get to the ship! Wake up every guard and the generals! We must hurry so they don't get the upper hand!" Lotor began barking orders very seriously. I also began to grow serious and understood what must be done. I hurried out of the room to retrieve my armor, walking up every guard of the way. Most guards were already up but to make sure I pounded on all doors quickly. When I got to the ship Zethrige and Acua was already there, waiting for Ezor and I. Lotor was yelling orders at the empire. Ezor soon came it apologising for being late. "If we wait for Lotor, Voltron will get the upper hand and win! We have to go now!" Zethrige yelled. "Wait! I'm here! Let's go!" Lotor shouted as he ran to one of the ships. "Who's operating the ship and ion cannon?!" Zethrige questioned. "Some guy named Lipo, we have to go now!" Lotor yelled. We were all panicked, this may he the battle to end all of the war.

We got into our two ships, Zethrige and Acua in one while Lotor and I in the other. As we started flying I started questioning myself. 'I can't kill the paladins! They have families! What will I tell mr. Holt? He saw his family alive and then they could die because of me! Oh no!' I thought.

"Lance? Are you alright?" Lotor asked. "Y-yea, I'm fine." I said. "Listen, I know what your thinking and we won't kill the paladins...I mean the rest of them." He said. "How did you kno- What do you mean the rest of them!?" I yelled. "I may or may not have kill the red one." He said calmly. "Oh okay, that's fine. At least you didn't kill Hunk."

(I suck at battle scenes so please bare with me)

"We should shoot the ion cannon! Weaken them and then attack!" Zethrige yelled. "No, weaken them first and then shoot the cannon. It'll catch them off guard and force them to disband from Voltron. We can then pick them off one by one." Acua countered. "I agree with Acua, weaken them and then hit them hard." Ezor agreed. Lotor hummed in response and flew towards Voltron. "Sit, how can we fight Voltron with such puny ships?" Zethrige questioned. Lotor chuckled in response, "I have that covered." Lotor then hit a button and the ships combined into our own Voltron. "Whoa." "Come one! We've wasted enough time! Let's attack!" Zethrige yelled. "I agree, let's go!" Lotor shouted. 

We charged forward at Voltron fast. Voltron seemed to be taken back at the new robot they had to fight now. They soon recovered from their shock and flew fast at us. The blazing sword formed from its hands and swung at us. We quickly dodged and shot a blast at them. They were too slow to dodge and they got shot on the red lion shoulder. "Please tell me you made a sword while designing this ship." I practically begged. "Actually, we have two." Lotor said. I could hear the smirk in his voice. Two purple swords formed in out hands. Voltron's shoulder cannon appeared on their shoulder and started to charge. "Lotor, we need to move put of the way! The cannon will be too fast out out run." I warned. "Don't worry. We'll be fine." Lotor replied. The cannon shot and came close but we were too fast and I mean really fast. We can fly from here to Earth in a few minutes fast. I charged in close and started cutting Voltron with our swords. A beam started to charge from our chest and shot a huge beam, pushing Voltron back and hurting it badly. "Lotor, we can't kill them." I warned. "I know but we still need to win. We'll just damage them, nothing more." He said. I trusted him but I still wanted to make sure.

"Shoot the ion cannon!" Lotor yelled into his com at Lipo. The ion cannon soon charged up and shot at Voltron again, pinning them against an asteroid. The lions soon disbanded and flew to a near by planet. "What the quiznak do they think they're doing?" I questioned. "Doesn't matter, this is our time to strike while they're weak!" Zethrige replied. I nodded and we flew to the planet they landed on. For some reason they all got out of their lions and was just standing there. "Shoot them!" Zethrige yelled. "No! We can't kill them! They have a family to go back to!" I yelled. Zethrige grunted but said nothing else about the matter. "Let's disband and go to the paladins. Maybe they ate planning to surrender." Ezor suggested. Lotor agreed and the ships broke apart from each other. We landed the ships and walked out of them, still on guard.

"Princess Allura, have you come out here to surrender?" Lotor asked. "No, we've come to fight fairly in hand to hand combat." Matt spoke. Matt? What the hell is he doing here? "I wouldn't call that fair. My generals and I could take you out easily." Lotor taunted. Allura growledin response and squared up. "Eager to loose? Just know that Lance has requested to spare your lives so I think you should spare ours." He suggested. "Why would Lance suggest that? That doesn't sound like him. You're just saying that so you won't die!" Pidge yelled. "Oh it's true. He said many times not to kill you so you will go back to your families. If it were up to me you would he dead already. You should he thanking him. So do we have a deal? We dont kill you, you dont kill us?" Lotor asked. "Deal." Allyra said after a moment. "Then let the batter begin!" He said and then charging with a sword. Where did he get that?! He didnt have that before!

Lotor fought Allura, Zethrige fought Hunk, Acua fought Matt, Ezor fought Pidge, and I fought Shiro. Yay. I didn't focus on the rest of the people fighting, I only focused on Shiro and me. "You're a traitor." He said punching me in the jaw. "Yeah but I'm not the one who basically handed over a teammate to the enemy. So actually your the traitor, I'm just surviving." I replied and I shot at his metal arm. My plan was to shoot his robotic arm so many times that it will them fail to be responsive, it will just become dead weight. After five minutes of shooting and dodging I finally got his arm to shut down and fail. "Loom who became smart." Shiro taunted. "Look who became saltier. Need some pepper to do with that? I have some I  my room. Dont ask why." I said. I just kinda rambled while I fought. "Stand down Shiro. If you just stop this fighting then the galra will back down, you can go back to Earth, and we can all live in peace!" I explained. "How do I know you're not lying!?" He yelled.

"If I didn't want peace then you would be dead the moment I stepped on this planet! I hate your living guts and I hope you burn in hell but I won't waste everyone else's chances of going back to their families just because you're the biggest jackass in the universe!" I yelled and I shot his flesh arm twice. He cried in pain and crumpled to the ground as tears spilt from his eyes. I looked around to see everyone stopped fighting and stared at me.

"I rather save all of you and let you go back to your families than kill Shiro and that's saying a lot cuz I really want to kill Shiro." I said looking at everyone. I turned to Allura who now had a black eye and a bleeding nose. "Allura, call off all this fighting and choose peace. All this violence will end if you surrender right now. I'll let the paladins go and we'll free the planets we've taken control of. We'll call off the Galra violence if you let us go. Right Lotor?" I asked hopefully. Lotor smiled and nodded eventhough Zethrige looked kinda mad we weren't allowed to smush them to a pulp. "What do you say Allura? Peace or death?" I said pointing a gun at Shiro to keep him from attacking me no matter the answer.

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