Blue and Green.

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Lance had ran out of water and was limited on food. He couldn't last much longer out here but he couldn't just give up on Pidge. "Pidge, this is Lance. If you could hear me give me a sign. The others are worried and I can't leave without you." Lance spoke softly into the comms. "Lance?...Im on.... Green..... where are you?" Pidge said sounding worried. "Pidge! I'm in system 6BG near planet Okadomen! Are you near?!" Lance questioned. "I'm on..... 3rd moon.... not alone!....crashed.....Hurry!" Pidge yelled. Lance nodded to himself and raced over to Okadoman's 3rd moon, Perdem. While scanning the moon he saw a crater with Green smashed between bolderes. It was surrounded by settlers with weapons aiming at Green. Lance hurried to the surface of the planet and landed next to the green lion. "Stop! We are Paladins of Voltron, we mean you no harm!" Lance shouted through the speakers. The aliens looked at each other and slowly lowered their weapons. "Pidge are you alright?" Lance asked. "Now that you're here, where are the others?" Pidge asked. Now that they are close together Pidge's voice was now clear. Lance could since the happiness in their voice for being found. "They're not here. I'll contact them to get their location so we can get back. Can you fly?" Lance said raising an eyebrow. "Not really, these boulders are kinda preventing me from that." Pidge said. Lance mentally hit his own head for being that stupid. "Right sorry. The vision of my lion isn't always the best, it comes and goes." Lance then blasted the rocks away from the lion and Green stood up. Green stretched and started to float in the air. "Alright, call Allura and let's get out of this place!" Pidge exclaimed. Lance nodded and called the castle. "Lance! Are you alright?!" Lance heard Coran yell. "Yes and I found Pidge! Send the coordinates of your location, we're coming home!" Lance yelled with a smile. "Alright, I sent them to you! Welcome back number 5!" Coran exclaimed. "Glad to be back, we'll be back soon Coran!" Pidge laughed. Lance ended the call and let Pidge guide him since he couldn't see the dash board with the location. He was finally going home and couldn't wait to see Hunk and Coran again. Lance smiled and sighed. Today was a good day and he might not kill himself yet, with being alone he had time to think. This was one of the topics. "Pidge, did you miss me?" Lance asked calmly. Pidge scoffed, "Of course I did you big goof! I missed everyone. I'm just upset the rest didn't come!" Pidge said. This broke Lance's heart. He knew he was being selfish but he couldn't help himself. Hearing Pidge wishing for the others to be here wasn't what he wanted to hear. Again he knew he was selfish but it still stung. "Oh...I'm just glad to jave you back." Lance said quietly. "Same here Lance, thanks for finding me." Pidge said sincerely. Time to go to the empty room in the castle and be scolded for leaving. So maybe today wasn't a good day, it may have started as a good day but it will end as a bad one.

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