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Lance's POV

When Hunk and Keith placed me on red lion's floor I broke into a heartbreaking sob. I couldn't believe that they stole me from Lotor. I stopped for a moment before I began crying again when Hunk patted me on the back. "Its ok Lance, we got you now. Lotor can't hurt you anymore." Hunk said. That's when I finally snapped. "Lotor didn't hurt me at all, Lotor wouldn't hurt a fly! You just need to leave him alone!" I yelled as more tears rolled down my face. "Keith! He's gotten worse! Hurry up!" Hunk yelled towards Keith. Keith nodded and picked up the pace. "There is nothing wrong with me, I'm perfectly fi-" I said while trying to stand up but a sharp pain in my side stopped me in my tracks. I slowly lifted up my shirt and saw that the stitches of one of my scares opened up. "Oh my God, Lance what happened." Hunk yelled as he examined my opened wound and the other stitches and scars. "We need to take you to the pods!" He exclaimed. All I did was shrug in response. "All I need is some stitches, bandages, and ice." I explained. I looked at Hunk when he didn't respond and the look in his eyes made me knew something in his mind clicked for him. He looked straight in my eyes and gasped. "C-can you see?" He asked. "Yea? Oh I forgot to tell you, Lotor fixed my vision. It's been a while so I totally forgot that it happened." I said like everything was normal. Hunk opened his mouth to say something but Keith cut him off. "We're here. Make sure to carry Lance to the pods so he won't run away, we dont know what Lotor planted into Lance's head." Keith informed. "I dont need a healing pod! All I need is stitches! Just listen!" I pleaded but it was too late. Hunk scooped me up in his big arms and was walking down the lion's mouth ramp. "Ugh! Let me down! I can walk myself! I'm not a baby!" I screamed. When Hunk didn't let me down I hoped our of his arms. When my feet touched the ground and dashed to the infirmary. While placing a hand firmly on my open wound I looked around the room for a needle and stitching thread. I just want one thing that keeps me closer to Lotor since they ripped me from him and that's medical techniques. "Lance! I'm so glad you're home safe!" I heard a voice cry out to me and arms wrap me into a hug. I turned around and was face to face with the amazing Coran. "Its nice to see you too Coran but can you help me find some needle and thread to sew up my wound." I asked politely. Coran backed away to look at my injury and was about to protest but agreed. He looked in a few cabinets and founds some. He handed it to me and watch me as I closed the cut with the thread. "Wow, we're did you learn to you that?" He asked as I wrapped the cut in bandages. "Lotor and the nurse showed me when I was in the clinic so if I were stranded I would know how to sew up a bad cut." I explained. I didn't feel like explaining why Lotor showed me it so I just got up and walked away. I took the gun I had in my pocket that Lotor gave to me and went to the training room to relieve my stress. I can't believe that they saved me now, when I was happy instead of when Haggar was torturing me. Enev though this gun was a hand gun instead of my usual sniper gun I could still manage and survive with it if needed. When I got in, I wrapped my hands in cloth so if I needed to punch the robot I could without really hurting my hands. I've hooten much better with hand to hand combat while training with Lotor. "Start training level fifteen." I said to the room. Twenty robots feel from the ceiling, some with swords and some with just their fists. As they charged at me I loaded my gun and made my aim on one of the robots.











When I aimed the next bullet and pulled the trigger the gun just clicked. Shut, for such a nice gun it didn't have much room for amo. I searched for in my pockets for bullets while dodging the attacks from the robots but I didn't have any amo. I sighed and tossed the gun aside and got in a fighter stance. While fighting I took out alm the stress and anger I had against the paladins. Shiro because he's such a bitch. Hunk for not believing me. Keith for taking me from the only place I can call home. Pidge for not even coming even though I saved her by myself when I was blind! Allura for never believing in me! I didn't notice because I was deep in thought but I had taken down all the robots. I was just standing there in the center, panting and looked ro the side to see Pidge with her jaw dropped. "How'd you learn to fight like that?! I thought you couldn't see!" Pidge screeched. "Lotor revived my vision and taught me to fight." I said simply. Pidge looked suspicious, "Why would Lotor help you out, he's the enemy?" "Meh, it doesn't matter and I dont want to talk about it." I said. I really miss Lotor and I hate it here. I want to go back. I sighed and walked out of the training room to my room. When I turned the corner I ran into somebody. I looked up and saw Shiro. "H-hey Shiro, l-long time n-no see." I chuckled nervously. He offered a hand to me and I grabbed it cautiously. He hauled me up and walked passed me. I walked to me room and sighed. I sat on my bed but it just wasn't the same. The other room made me happier but this one made me feel empty.

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