f.w - friends (1/2)

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Dedicated to mikesjane

Finn: hey! I'm on set again but I'm going to be back for this weekend! Wanna hang?
Tuesday 2:34 pm

You: of course! I'd-

I stopped texting midway as I got another text from him.

Finn: ah, shit sorry (y/n) false alarm. We're busy for the next 2 weeks :(
Tuesday 2:35 pm

Sighing, I delete the few words I typed out and start a new text.

You: dude, it's all good! I'll just see you when the chance is given. Miss youuu
Tuesday 2:35 pm

Finn: I miss you too, I'll talk to ya later, bye!
Tuesday 2:39 pm

I fall back onto my bed and place the phone down, knowing he won't. He's always so busy or hanging out with the other actors nowadays. I mean, it's great that he's happy and got something he was hoping for, but I feel like we're drifting apart. I turn over and lift up the picture of us two at the amusement park, holding hands on the rollercoaster and laughing while everyone else is screaming around us. I hold it to my chest and smile before going downstairs to watch tv.

3 months later (stranger things season 1 is out now)

"... and then I had to cry as if she disappeared! Which, in the final cut, looks awesome! The kiss was awkward though, you might want to look away when it happens." I laughed as he tried to explain the entire season from his perspective. We walked into school and to our lockers (conveniently right next to each others) and got our stuff out, but I turned to see he was preoccupied by people who used to bully him, now wanting to take pictures and talk with him.

I sigh and grab his stuff for him, only to get shoved because I got in one of their pictures. Of course, Finn doesn't notice as he signs someone's binder, so I head to class with his stuff and hope he hurries up so he doesn't miss anything. He dashes into the class right before the bell rings and I hear a bunch of girls sigh lovingly. I frown as he sits next to me, his ears red. I giggle and pinch his cheek.

"Is someone embarrassed?" I say in a taunting voice while he shoves my hand away, laughing.

"HEY! Stop harassing him.. you!" One girl looks back at us and screams. I sigh as I try to explain that we're friends but she runs up to him instead. "Are you okay? Did she hurt you, Mi- I mean Finn?" she examines his face, making him blush harder, as I try to hide from the glares. I don't bring it up to Finn that everything I do with him is now criticized by others, so like every day I just stay away from him.

At lunch I sit alone under the apple tree and watch as he's surrounded by people asking him questions and for pictures and autographs, even teachers! I pull out my phone and smile at the lock screen he had set, a picture of us hugging when we were 12 at his house, covered in paint. I hadn't really known what love was back then, but I knew that I did feel a lot of it for Finn and still do.

He was my first kiss, during truth or dare since my other friends knew I liked him, but it was pretty awkard to do, seeing he had laughed right after and just went along with the game like nothing happened. Well now that those friends had moved away, all I have left is Finn and a bunch of bullies. Finn and I were able to deal with it together constantly, but seeing that he's getting quite the attention now, I don't know how I'll fend for myself.

By the end of the school day, I'm just about to walk out before someone grabs my arm and turns me towards them.

"Stay away from him, (common mistake of your name). He's going to be mine! I know you're just doing it because he's fam-" I gasp and laugh at her, making her pull away in shock. She tries to interrupt my laughter but I put my hand up to tell her to shut up before regaining myself.

"I'm using him? Me? The one who's been friends with him since we were 6? No, it's you guys that are. Before his career, all you guys did was bully him and I, but you're saying that he'll want to be with you. I'm pretty sur-"

"Oh hey (y/n)! Seems like you met (common enemy girl name)." he pulls you away from her and smiles at you, you smile back and decide not to tell him again. "Did she tell you what happened?"

"No what ha-"

"She likes me! She says she has for a while now and she's really pretty and I think... I think I like her too!" he smiles and turns to her, earning a 'loving' wave back. My smile falls as he turns back to me and so does his once he sees my expression.

"Finn, I don't think she's doing it for you... I think she's doing it because she likes your fame." I bite my lip and go to apologize, but he steps away from me and glares. I'm shocked to say the least, but don't say anything as my heart cracks a bit.

"Why are you so jealous? You leave me every morning, you avoid me all day, and now this? (y/n), I really don't understand you today... just, can't you be happy for me?" I stand up, tears forming in my eyes.

"Finn, I am happy for you! I'm so happy, but I don't want you to get hurt and-"

"Well feeding me lies is hurting me. Just... let me live my life, (y/n). And if you don't like my new friends and new life, you can get out of it. All you'll do is hurt me." he looks away and starts to walk before I grab his arm and drag him into a hug, the tears about to burst.

"Y-you're right... I'm sorry. I want to stay with you and I don't want you hurting. Just... don't forget me, please?" he wraps his arms around me tighter and nuzzles his face into my neck, knowing that makes me stop crying. I smile and pinch his ear. "Now, go do what you want, I'll walk myself home." I shove him back to the girl and he mouths a thank you and I smile, then turn away heartbroken.

He'll forget me. He'll make new friends and forget me. But when he does see me, I'll treat him the same. Because I love him for who he is, not for his fame. I hope one day he can understand that.

(a/n heyyyy this be a part one so don't worry (or do...) about this ending !! Thank y'all so much for the reads (i know its just because its Finn Wolfhard and you probably stopped reading after the first word for a few of ya but yeet)

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