sweet dreams (2/5)

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part two!

【 y/n 】

▹ "shut up!" i shout, giggling as i shove manny off of my bed. he groans as he hits the floor with a loud thump.

"it's true. you're having those dreams because you're lonely! and not friend lonely...boyfriend lonely."

"i don't need a man. i'm happy with life as it is."

manny shrugs, pushing me to the right side of my bed so he can snuggle into the left.

we turn so that we're facing each other, small smiles on our face.

this boy has been there for me since before we even knew what friendship was. life without him is a life gone wrong.

"what are you thinking about?" he mumbles, grabbing my hand.

i shrug as best as i can.

"not much."

"are you okay?"

i nod, biting my lip as i smile, "when am i not?"

"when your mom leaves you home alone. when victor shows up drunk. when you get a phone call from your uncle but he-"

"why'd you have to go and make things all depressing?" i force a chuckle, pulling my hand out of his and turning on my back.

i stare at the ceiling, blinking back the tears that are fighting their way out.

"i'm just saying, y/n/n. your family is fucked up. your mother is a workaholic, your brother is an alcoholic and your only uncle barely even remembers who you are. it's okay to be sad. holding it in just make things worse."

with an odd noise escaping my mouth, i let the tears fall. manny sighs, grabbing me by my waist until we're touching, his legs intertwining with my own.

"i want my dad back." i cry out, thankful that my mother isn't home to hear me, "he kept us sane, manny. he kept me sane."

i feel the dark skinned boy nod.

we stay cuddled like that for most of the night, only speaking every now and then.

eventually, i feel myself fade into sleep.

when i wake up, i'm in bed still. only this time, it's not mine.

i furrow my eyebrows, opening my mouth to call out but nothing escapes it.

after clearing my throat, i try again, and this time succeed.


no one answers right away, so i slowly get up from the comfy bed.

with quiet steps, i walk down the dark hall, eyes barely adjusting.

just as i'm about to step down the stairs, i feel a hand cover my mouth and an arm pull me backwards. i let out a muffled scream, trying to get out of the person's grasp.

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