dating (3/3)

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2 months later...
"FINN NO STOP I CAN'T BREATHE!" I gasp for air as everyone laughs at me struggling to remove Finn's hands from my (ticklish spot).

"This is what you get (y/n)! If you had just said yes I wouldn't of done this..." he keeps going and I laugh harder, the snorts coming out like crazy, a hoot for everyone else. Jack is recording while Millie and Gaten try to stop him, and everyone else is laughing like maniacs.

"I... CAN'T... AGREE WITH Y-YOU IF I... I CAN'T SPEAK!!" the tears roll down my face and I can't go on with a straight sentence without snorting until he finally stops. He helps me off the ground and holds me to his side, a mob of "aweees" starting up. I quiet them down with a wave and smile up at him.

"So... Can you now?" he smirks but stays serious, "if anyone hates on you, they just don't understand how great you are or they want me all to themselves, but I mean who wouldn't?" he winks.

"Anyone with an actual life, Finn. No offense (y/n) ." Jack laughs and I roll my eyes. Finn's been hoping I'd like to show my face to his fans soon, and was happy to know I didn't want to as soon as possible because I wasn't using him for attention, but he really wanted them to know why he's been so happy for these past 5 months of talking and dating for 2 of them.

"You can do it, but I'm doing it for you, not attention. I love you Finn and if anyone thinks otherwise they don't understand, I know." The awes play again as he beams at me and starts typing immediately. He takes a picture from when we had first gone on a date to a fair. Cheesy, I know, but he had taken me and won me about 20 things at the stands. This left me crying with joy and he took a picture of us kissing with the 20 stuffed animals staring in the back. It looked very cute and has been my home screen (not lock screen just in case someone took my phone and found out) since that day. I get notified that he posted and hear 7 other little ding! sounds from others in the room.

The caption led me to tears and others to multiple awww as they read:
hello everyone. today I will be discussing to you all about my favourite person in the world. her name is (y/n) and we have been dating for 2 months now, the 3 month mark coming in a week. as you all know, when a 'celebrity' says they have a significant other, that significant other usually gets hate and everyone says that they do it for attention. well, if you believe so and have not read this all yet and totally writing a hate comment right now, you're wrong. my beautiful girlfriend has not wanted her face to be shown to you guys since I first met her and we bonded, she didn't even ask for us to take a picture together! so if any of you guys have anything to say about her, I don't care. I love her and she loves me and we're happy. thank you for the best 2 months baby xo

I'm in tears as I drop my phone to grab his face and kiss him. He kisses back just as passionately, pushing all his love an affection in it. I pull away first to smile and push our foreheads together.

"Finn Wolfhard I love you so damn much you don't even know. I'm so lucky to be your girlfriend." I laugh and kiss both his cheeks and his nose while everyone screams about how cute we are.

"Do you want to write one about me on yours?" he raises one eyebrow and smirks, knowing that if I do I'll go all out on it. I check instagram to see I have over 500 follow requests now and many many messages from people. I disregard it as I go to add a photo and chose the latest one of us two, sitting together on the couch (cuddling, smiling, making out, your choice) and being all lovey dovey, photo creds to Wyatt. I move away from Finn so he doesn't peek over my shoulder to see my awesome paragraph for him.

As you all must know by now, yes, I'm dating Finn Wolfhard. Yes, I had kept it a secret because, well, has famous and every one of you guys would freak out on me, most likely saying I'm lying. But nope, this beautiful boy is mine and I'm happy to call him that. I may not be able to see him all the time, but when I do, I know how much I mean to him and how much he means to me. I get all the love an affection a girl can ask for and I'm so happy. And no, I'm not saying it to sound spoiled or anything, but any girl would do this as they talk about their boyfriends, so why can't I? Finn, I love you so much and I hope that our relationship is as great for you as it is for me. I could never ask for a better guy and I feel so happy around you. Thank you for an amazing 5 months of friendship and 2 months of much more. I love you :)

The ding! noise fills the room again as they all go to like it, but only a few actually read it, which is understandable since we're very cheesy. Before I make my account public, I block out some words from being able to be commented since I don't need to see it and smile. Then I find a comment from Jack and chuckle "wow (y/n) I thought I was great too but whatever." He comes over and I hug him, telling him he's the second best, starting a joke argument between all the guys. I giggle and turn to Finn, seeing that he's glued to his phone.

I stand confused before I walk over and lift his head up to see him smiling and crying tears of joy. I smile at him and wrap my arms around him, making him immediately wrap his around me and jump on me. I laugh because he knows he's light enough to be carried by me and drop him on the couch before lying down and resting my head on his lap. He brushes my hair with his fingers while talking with everyone as I just smile, looking up at the love of my life.

"Finny Boy, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I smile and sit up, playing with his hair and kissing his cheek. He turned just in time to catch my mouth before so and then goes back to talking. His kiss still leaves a tingling feeling on my mouth and I smile while absentmindedly playing with his hair still. I go in a group chat with my best friends and they're counting my followers by the second. I check the message requests and see a lot of you're so pretty!! and a few kys you're gross but I don't let it bother me. I have Finn and thats all I need.

He is the only thing I need.

Haha see what I did there
I'm sorry

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