r.t - out of sight (1/2)

881 22 3



"this has gone on for too long, (y/n)." to say her mother was pissed would be an understatement, "everyday it's something else, better yet someone else. how many times do you have to get suspended before you understand that you're making a mistake and you need to quit?!"

"it's not like i'm doing it for fun. i fight because i have to. half the people at my school are bullies and i'm sick of it. what do you expect me to do? sit and watch some poor freshman get tortured? that's not how i was raised."

"now that's not fai-"

the (s/c) skinned female chokes on her laughter, a snort coming from her nose.

"you cannot sit here and lecture me on fairness. you're not being fair! i'm sticking up for people who can't stick up for themselves and i find no shame in that. yes, maybe fighting isn't the best option but here in derry it's my only option. no one listens when someone has something to say. everyone is self centered and selfish!" (y/n) sighs, her hands covering her eyes as she feels a headache erupting, "you try to do nice things for people and you're considered crazy, or a delinquent. i fucking hate this place."

the elder of the two let's out a disappointed huff, but pulls her daughter into a hug anyway. she leaves a soft kiss on the top of her head, muttering a barely audible "it'll get better, baby" before going back to the kitchen.

the seventeen year old girl sits still for a few minutes before trudging up the stairs to her room, making her frustration apparent as she slams the door.

her body plops onto her bed, the creak of it causing her to chuckle-her father is shit at putting things together and there's been a loose screw since the day she first got it.

for most of the night, (y/n) stays separated from her family. she hears her father come home at around five, and her older brother attempts to sneak in at a quarter past eight.

she laughs to herself as she hears her parents shouting at the boy for coming way after curfew.

a few minutes after the yelling has died down, her door breezes open, the sound of the doorknob hitting the wall causing her to jump.

her brother doesn't say anything as he lies down on the bed beside her, resting his hands behind his head.

the room is silent for a little while before the boy breaks it; his voice is as crisp and sharp as a knife, slicing through the once peaceful atmosphere.

"a little birdy told me you got suspended again. for beating up sally? sticking up for that fag eddi-" the older (l/n) is cut off by the younger slapping her hand against his chest.

"you're just as close-minded as the rest of 'em. he did nothing wrong, he wasn't hurting anybody. he was just minding his own business and that son of a bitch just had to go an' taunt him-"

"it's personal with her, isn't it?" he chuckles, nudging his little sister. he was only older by a year, he a senior and she a junior, "poor little (n/n) used to be defenseless and scared and sally saw and she tortured and taunted and hurt you until you toughened up and now you think it's your duty to protect everyone else when really it's you, who needs protecting. because one day your heart won't be able to take anymore of it, and you know it. you'll crumble."

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