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yourusername self-reflecting

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yourusername self-reflecting

69.2k likes | 5k comments

randomuser aww bby don't cry!

theodore boris says to answer his call
yourusername; theodore boris couldn't tell me himself?

boris_p idk how many times i have to say i'm sorry y/n
usernameoop; boris_p u can say it as many times as u want, that doesn't mean things are automatically gonna go back to normal
badbitch420; usernameoop hey maybe butt out ?? it's not our business


boris_p so there's this girl

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boris_p so there's this girl...and she's got the prettiest personality ever. recently, i did something stupid. i hurt her. now i'm not going to go into detail because quite frankly it's none of your business but i need her to know that i'm not giving up on us. y/n, if you read this, please answer my messages. i love you deeply, moye serdtse.

tagged yourusername

444k likes | 90.7k comments

jajajajaja this is the sWeetEst thing ever¡!!¡ i hope she forgives you <3

uhohstinky wowwwww

uwuimbaby CUTIE

theodore you've done good, b.

usernameoop ok maybe things will get better he called her his hEART I—💞💕💖

yourusername you're an ass, pavlikovsky


boris_p would like send a message

[ accept / decline ]

every couple gets in a fight at least once or twice or a few times. i said some things that i regret, and i really hope you know it was only due to the heat of the moment and that nothing i said about you or called you is true. you are my world, (y/n). i'm not used to this whole being in love thing yet, but i promise to learn and grow as we go on...if we go on. i understand that things won't go back to normal immediately, but if you could please find it in your heart to at least think about forgiving me, i'd appreciate it. i love you.


okay done. i forgive you, love. if we're being honest, some of the things you said we're true, and i'm too scared to admit it. i want to grow with you and experience many things. i said some hurtful things as well, so i guess we were both in the wrong. we're young and dumb and still learning. you're my world as well, bub. i love you.



yourusername i've had a skeleTON of stupid ideas, but the biggest one was me thinking i'd be able to leave you

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yourusername i've had a skeleTON of stupid ideas, but the biggest one was me thinking i'd be able to leave you. for all you love birds out there: mistakes are going to be made and certain words are going to be said. it's part of life. whether you guys communicate and admit to your faults or ignore the problem can either benefit or jeapordize what you've got. if you're not sure what to do or what's forgiveable and what's not, talk to someone who's got some experience. love you bbs.

tagged boris_p

1.28m likes | 500k comments

boris_p :)

theodore go off sis


okokalrighty- seriously on a real note, if you guys ever need advice not even relationship-wise but anYTHING, i'm here

smokeweederryday aN INSPIRATION


honestly dunno how this
ended up being all soft and
shit but hope you enjoyed, xo.

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