r.t - arachnophobia

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(n.) extreme or irrational
fear of spiders


(n.) the fear of wax figures, humanoid robots, audio-animatronics, or other figures designed to represent humans

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"my grandfather thinks this town is cursed." mike suddenly speaks up, and each one of the losers' attention turns to him. "he says that all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing, an evil thing that feeds off the people of derry."

for a second, the only sounds being made are from the event going on around them.

finally, stanley shakes his head.

"it can't be one thing. we all saw something different."

"maybe," y/n suddenly speaks up, her y/e/c eyes not looking up from the ground, "or maybe it knows what scares us most and that's what we see."

"i-i-i saw a leper. he was like a walking infection."

"but you didn't, because it isn't real. none of this is! not eddie's leper, o-or bill seeing georgie, or the woman i keep seeing-"

"is she hot?" richie suddenly speaks up, his dark eyes squinting behind his frames. y/n, who's sitting beside him lets out a gasp before slapping his arm.

stan looks up from his hands and glares at the trashmouth boy.

"no, richie. she's not hot! her face is all messed up...none of this makes any sense. they're all like bad dreams."

it was true, the past few days for the losers club seemed to be indescribable. well, everyone aside from y/n, who had only gotten pulled into this after walking in on bill having a panic attack after seeing georgie's old yearbook 'come to life'.

"i don't think so, i know the difference between a bad dream and real life, okay?"

once again an eerie silence takes over the group, none of them knowing what to say as they're all shaken up.

"well what'd you see? you saw something too?" eddie's voice is just above a whisper, but mike hears it.

"yes. do you guys know that burnt down house on harris avenue?" the chocolate skinned young man waits for his friends to not before continuing, "i was in there when it burnt down. before i was rescued my mom and dad we're trapped in the next room over from me, they were pushing and pounding on the door trying to get to me...but it was too hot. when the firemen finally found them, the skin on their hands had melted down to the bone."

a look of sympathy appears on the y/s/c skinned female, her voice soft and gentle as she speaks.

"we're all afraid of something."

richie chuckles dryly, "got that right."

"why, rich? what're you afraid of?"

the curly haired boy slowly turns back to the group, his shaky hands fumbling with his glasses.


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