b.p - last christmas

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a gift for confused-baby !


she always loved the holidays and the peace it brought, but this year there was none. all she could think about was how her heart had been shattered.

now the thought of Christmas brought her to tears.

her best friend theo had tried many times to get her to go to New York with him, but it hadn't worked.

lenai promised herself she'd just lie in bed, eat food, and watch movies. her plan, however, was ruined when the doorbell rang. she sighed deeply, putting her hair into a bun as she opened the door.

"Merry Christmas!" her friends shout, and she groans.

"theo, why?"

"because i was not about to let you be alone on the holiday that's meant to be celebrated together."

lenai glares at her friend, but lets him, and the few people behind him, in.

her heart sinks when she sees him.

he sends a small smile towards her, resting a glazed bundt cake in her arms. she sets it on the table before grabbing theo's arm and tugging him towards the kitchen.

"why in the hell would you invite him?" she whisper-shouts, her eyes stinging with tears of anger.

"calm down, i made him promise not to talk to you unless you want him to."

"that doesn't change anything! he's here. in my house. the boy who is the reason i can't even function."

"look, it'll be fine. if he does something to bother you, i'll tell him to leave." her friend reasons.

"he's bothering me right now." lenai pouts, causing her friend to chuckle.

"nice try."

° °

"well, since i wasn't planning on having people over, my fridge is empty. and i don't think that one cake is gonna feed us all." lenai sighs, getting up from her spot on the couch.

"do you want me to run and get things?" theodore volunteers, but she shakes her head.

"i'll do it. anyone coming with?"

"may i?" a voice she hasn't heard in a while speaks up, and she watches as the tall, australian-born boy she'd come to adore, stands up and wraps his coat around himself.

lenai gives theodore a worried look, but he just smiles and sends her a thumbs up.

"s-sure." she finally manages to say, her heart melting away when he grins.

the two soon arrive at the grocery, shoulders bumping one anothers as they mindlessly walk down the isles.

"what do you think everyone wants?" she finally is able to get words out.

"anything with sugar in it. cookies, cake, glazed ham." he trails off, and she giggles, nodding.

she can feel him watching her.

minutes later, the two are acting as if it were the old days, lenai on the front of the cart as boris races and throws random things into it. soon enough, the cart is filled to the top and they are just goofing around.

lenai jumps off the cart and does some weird figure skating thing, causing boris to cackle. she can't help the smile that comes on her face from the sound of it.

without noticing, boris walks over to her, brushing a strand piece of hair behind her ear. her breath hitches in her throat as he leans in.

"hey! i've just gotten many complaints about you two." an angry, threatening voice shouts. they both look over to see the store manager staring at them with fury in his eyes.

"run, run, run!" boris mumbles, grabbing her arm as the two of them sprint past him and out of the store. they come to halt as a car passes by, and to their luck, it splashes them with slush.

lenai screeches, and boris grins at her.

"get back here!" the same voice shouts again, and they look at each other before running off again. when they reach the car, they jump in and speed out if the parking lot, hearts pounding.

"we didn't get any food." lenai laughs. boris nods.

"we'll just stop somewhere else."

when they reach the next grocery, they stay on their best behaviors, but aren't able to help themselves from snickering once they're out.

they get home in under ten minutes, each holding two bags. theo smiles at the two when he sees that they're talking.

"food's here!" boris shouts, causing everyone to cheer.

he rests the bags on the table and tugs on lenai. she raises an eyebrow at him.

"can i talk to you?" he asks, and she shrugs. the two of them go into the backyard.

"i just...i wanted to say i'm sorry. what i did last Christmas was uncalled for. i don't know what was going through my mind. you're the one for me, lenai. i want to spend the rest of my life with you." he rubs his hand along her cheek, "i understand if you don't want to be with m-"

he's cut off by her lips crashing against his. a small smile breaks onto his face, causing the kiss to end way too early.

"i love you." lenai smiles, pecking his lips once more.

just when they're about to hug, a snowball hits boris in the shoulder. he looks to see their group of friends standing there, armed with snowballs.

theodore smirks.

"get them!"


y'all are probably confused as hell cause it's nowhere near christmas. well, during 2018's christmas i did a secret santa thing and one of the participants never got her "gift" so i did one for her!

lenai, i hope you enjoyed this, sorry for the long wait and hopefully you're not too upset that boris isn't completely in character. i'm a lazy shit and still haven't read the book.
alright, i'm done.

thanks xo.

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