f.w - and then, he smiled

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"why don't you ever smile?" y/n's mother asked as she watched her daughter make breakfast.

the y/s/c skinned girl only shrugged.

"there is nothing to smile about."

"sure there is! have you gotten a good grade on anything, met a boy? listened to a really good song?"

"yes, i have. but that doesn't make me obliged to smile." y/n hands her mother an omelette before taking a bite of her own and grabbing her backpack.

"aren't you going to finish breakfast?" the elder questioned.

y/n shook her head, pecking her mother on the cheek before heading out.

as she sits down in her car, she lets out a sigh, feeling bad for not being able to smile.

she appreciates everything, even life though it may not seem like it, but for some reason a smile just won't fall on her face.

when y/n arrives at school, the pout that rested on her lips seems to deepen, feeling the many judging stares as she walks to class.

her feelings were never hurt, she was used to it by now.

the day goes by pretty quickly for the seventeen year old girl, and when her last period finally comes around she's not able to stop fidgeting as she waits for the bell to ring.

"hello?" a deep voice is heard next to the girl, causing her to jump.

she locks eyes with big brown ones, and it feels as if her heart is going to explode.

"uh, hi. hi!" y/n tries to smile and seem nice, but when it doesn't work, she just nods.

"i wouldn't sit next to her if i were you. you'll get emo-itis." jack, y/n's ex boyfriend chuckles.

the boy sitting beside her turns to the dark haired young man.

"i'm fine where i am, thanks."

not used to being stood up for, or even sit next to, the y/e/c eyed girl just stares in awe.

as class continues, she can feel the young man staring at her, probably wondering why she was called emo.

y/n didn't dress like an emo, she was actually always wearing pastel colors, like yellow, or blue, sometimes even purple.

the bell rings after what seems like hours, and the girl immediately stands up, shoving all of her belongings into her bag.

just as she's about to go, the brunette haired boy grabs her wrist.

"do they always bother you?" he asks, his voice sending shivers down the girl's spine.

y/n nods, "yeah. it's fine, though."

"no, it's not. you should stick up for yourself, or else they'll never stop."

the y/h/c haired girl stares up at the cute young man in shock.

"i...okay." she nods, biting her bottom, "thanks for helping me out."

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