f.w - if we have each other (1/5)

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part one!

"wake up, you big curly fry, you have to make us breakfast!" jaeden shouts, running up the steps and to finn's room.

"no time for sleep, i'm ready to-oh." he stops his rhyme as he opens the door to see two figures tangled under the sheets.

"i know what you're thinking. nothing happened." you speak, sitting up in the bed and rubbing your eyes.

"so are you guys okay, or.." jaeden trails off, not sure how to continue the question.

he's referring to you and finn, as the two of you had gotten into yet another argument the night before. it seemed as if the more you guys hung out the more disagreements you had.

"i'm...i'm not sure, i hope so though." you yawn, getting out of the bed, "c'mon, i'll make us some breakfast."

smiling, jae grabs your hand and the two of you walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"good morning. i thought you stayed home." sadie smiles, hugging you.

"nobody was home when i got there, so i uh, changed my mind." you reply.

"right." sadie nods, hiding a smirk.

"good morning, crazy people who i have no clue why are in my kitchen." finn walks in, some basketball shorts hanging low on his waist and a white t-shirt covering his torso.

jaeden watches as you pout at him, holding in a chuckle as finn ruffles your hair.


"she worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes!" you screech the lyrics to one of the songs on shuffle, not caring that your currently laying on picnic blanket in a public park.

you shut your eyes tightly and feel the breeze rush against your skin.

a smile takes over your face, as i finn's face pops up in your thoughts.

"y/n? are you dead?" jeremy's voice whisper into your ear.

you chuckle and open your eyes to find finn, jaeden, sadie, and jeremy looking at you in worry.

"yeah. died of shock, your face scared me." you sarcastically reply and finn nudges you.

"so...i was wondering, if maybe. you'd uh, want to come with us to a party? i promise we'll stay by you the whole time." sadie speaks up after a peaceful silence.

"sadie..." you whine, looking at all four of your best friends, each of them pouting.

"my gosh you guys get on my nerves." you groan, causing them to cheer.


"you think (enemies name) will show up again?" you ask curiously, eyes wandering through the crowd. you notice finn's grip on your arm tighten and mentally face palm for mentioning him.

"we've been here for three hours and still haven't seen him. i believe we'll be fine." sadie assures you and you can't help but fake a smile.

"i'm going to go grab us some drinks, alright?" finn lets go of your arm and you nod, watching him walk away.

"we should dance." sadie pulls you towards the middle of the house where plenty of people are scattered around, sweaty bodies against one another.

you cringe in disgust after seeing a couple grinding on each other, but nod nonetheless and let the red head pull you into into the crowd.

you two dance through almost six songs and there is still no sign of finn.

you begin to feel worry in the pit of stomach and you can tell sadie notices your fear because she grabs your arm and pulls your into the the dining room.

"we'll find him, okay?" she puts a hand on your shoulder and you nod.

sending you a soft smile, she grabs your y/s/c skinned hand and the two of you walk along the side of the crowd, towards the steps.

"why would he be upstairs?" i ask, words slurring lightly in effect of me having four drinks throughout the night.

"maybe he had to take a whiz?" she asks and you just shrug in reply.

"finn! you up here?!" she begins to call and you just wearily look around.

you let go of sadie's hand to go along the hallway and push open room doors.

what you didn't expect was to see something so horrifying.

your heart feels as if it fell out of your ass, and you feel your y/e/c eyes become warm with tears.

you choke back sob, but don't do a very good job of doing so, quickly earning their attention.

finn's eyes widen.

"y/n/n, where'd you--what the fuck?!" you don't even realize that you've fallen to the floor until sadie runs in and lifts you up.

finn doesn't say anything, chestnut colored eyes staying locked with yours.

you can feel the blonde bimbo's intense glare towards you, probably because you interrupted whatever had been going on.

"we're leaving, finn." sadie speaks up, wiping some tears from your face, though more only come.

"y/n! wait, please don't go." he finally speaks up just as you and sadie are almost towards the steps.

you give the girl a small nod in approval and turn around to face him.

"what, finn? what else could you possibly want from me?" you groan, your voice wavering and your eyes not meeting his.

"look, you're overreacting. she's just a fr-"

you don't let him finish that sentence. it was one you've heard it one too many times before.

"just a friend? are you serious? because just a few minutes ago you had your tongue down her throat and your hands in her pants. tell me, finn, is that really what 'just friends' do?"

he stares at you in shock, but the expression is soon covered by anger.

"why do you care so much!?" he yells, his taller frame hovering over your small one.. "this is my life, y/n and i can live it how i want!"

"i don't want you with other girls!" you shout back, having had enough of the keeping your feelings bottled in.

"i-what do you mean?" he asks, eyes softening though he tries to hide it.

"i want you with me, finn. you should be with me." you whisper, swallowing hard when he shakes his head in disbelief.

"you can't. no, y/n/n, stop it. you're drunk and you don't know what you're saying." the curly haired boy sighs, causing your heart to sink.

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