f.w - my kind of woman (1/2)

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my kind of woman
part one!

[a/n] everyone besides bill, nic, and jake are sixteen years of age. nic is eighteen, jake is eighteen, and bill is twenty-eight.

"fucking hit me!" he shouts, a few veins in his forehead beginning to show. his once neat, blonde hair was now matted, sticking to his forehead due to sweat.

(y/n) shakes her head, her bottom lip quivering as she flinches backwards. she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"nic, if she won't obey-"

"i've got it." the blue eyed boy cuts their master off, cussing under his breath. he steps closer to the fragile girl, harshly gripping her arm.

his face is only a few inches away from hers. to the ones watching, it looks as if he's scolding her, but his eyes were pleading.

"come on, (n/n). you've got to do it or you know what'll happen." he mutters.

"i can't do it. i don't want to hurt yo-"

her words are cut off as a strong force pushes the both of them over.

"fight." the lengthy, scary-eyed leader growls, his glare stone cold, "or be punished."

nicholas immediately nods, raising his arms as if he's about punch her. he stares into the shorter girl's (e/c) eyes one last time before squeezing his own shut and swinging at her.

what he expects is to feel the fabric of her shirt against his fist, to hear her groan and cry in pain.

instead, all he gets is air and then a rock hard punch in the jaw. the taller boy stumbles back for a few seconds, his eyes flying open in shock.

the others, who were gathered outside of the ring all cheer for the girl. they all knew she was likely the strongest out of them all, but she was also the kindest.

"damn! that's my girl!" bill, their master, praises her, his strong hand coming down and patting her back.

(y/n) chuckles nervously, mouthing a "sorry" to the pale boy before her.

nicholas only waves her off, about to get back into his fighting stance when bill dismisses them.

all ten teens, sweaty, bruised, and hungry, gather their things and head to the showers.

it's only a matter of thirty minutes before everyone has showered and changed into pyjamas.

bill soon calls them down for dinner, all of them gathered around the long, wooden table.

"uh, before you all eat i'd like to just...say something." the seriousness of the elder man's voice causes everyone to glance up in concern, "oh, lighten up, it's nothing bad. i would just like for you all to know that i am beyond proud of the people you've become. every single one of us here has come from a troubled past, and despite it all we use that as motivation to fight for good. i do not push you guys as hard as i do just to give you hell, i do it because i see potential in you, and well, because i love you."

"what are you getting all soft for?" finn speaks up, a smug smirk on his face. he was definitely the jokester of the group, along with jack.

"no special reason." bill playfully scoffs, nudging the curly haired boy beside him, "alright, dig in!"


"i'm sorry for hitting you so hard." (y/n) smiled up at the blonde. she and nic were definitely the closest, mainly because they had known each other way before bill "saved" them.

she looked up to the boy as if he were an older brother.

"no biggie." he shrugs, "though i can't promise that next time i'll go easy on you."

she giggles, rolling her eyes. the hamilton boy gently punches her arm, gasping in shock when she hits him back.

the two go on hitting one another for what seems like ages, until nic is on top of her, tickling the life out of her.

they don't stop until the door abruptly slams open, revealing a certain lanky, frog faced boy.

he blushes at the sight in front of him, immediately backing up out of the room.

"i won't tell, bill. no worries!" he shouts through the door, causing the two to laugh.

nicholas sits up off of (y/n), allowing her to get up and open the door. she motions for finn to come in as well, and he does.

"whatever you think you saw, it wasn't it." she says, fiddling with her fingers.

"yeah, wolfie. she's like a sister to me." nic runs his fingers through his blonde locks, before flicking both younger teens in the back of the neck as he heads out of the room, "don't stay up too late."

as soon as the door shuts, finn is glaring at the (h/c) haired girl, jealousy practically oozing off of him.

"oh come on, finn! it was just some harmless goofing around. you know i only have eyes for you."

the dark haired boy shakes his head, his arms crossing over his chest as he ignores her.

"you've been hanging around him so long, might as well just get married to 'im. you chose him as your partner today, you sat next to him during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. what the hell, (n/n)?"

all the (s/c) skinned female can muster up is a snort.

"i never took you as the jealous type." she leans her head on his shoulder, unlocking his arms so that her hand can hold his, "someone all tough and strong like you."

"it's because i like you, (y/n). we've been through this before, haven't we?" finn pouts at her, cringing when she lifts a hand and caresses his cheek.

"and i like you, finnie. no one can take me away from you. not jack, or chosen, or jaeden, or caleb, and especially not jake or nicholas cause that'd be like-illegal." (y/n) chuckles, her face heating up at the sight of the boy smirking. he seemed to always have that affect on her, "though i'm not so sure about sophia and sadie. they're definitely your competition."

finn groans, pulling his hand away from her.

"you just had to go and ruin the moment, huh?"

"sorry. here, let me make it up to you." she doesn't waste another minute in pressing her lips against his, her eyes fluttering shut.

"hey, bill says it's lights out-oh shit! i'm telling!" caleb walks in, causing the two to jump away. he laughs as he runs down the hall, shouting bill's name.


hello! rayne, the doofus here lmao. this is gonna be two parts, the second part should be out tomorrow! i'll try to be as active as i can, but i'm in new york right now so wifi is scarce.

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