play the part (2/3)

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part two!

a|n ; (h/t) means hair type

[ then ]

“babe?” a familiar, small voice is heard next to the dark haired boy. he swats his hand in the direction of it, before pulling the blanket further upon his lanky body.

for a few minutes it's silent again, until the sudden feeling of small hands digs into his sides.

“come on, bo.” her voice giggles and he grins, turning around as his sleepy eyes open up.

his hand reaches towards her lips and rubs them, voice hoarse as he mutters an exaggerated 'hush'. 

she obeys, pushing herself into his chest. the two stay like that for what seems like hours, just enjoying each others presence.

“moya lyubov', you awake?” boris asks, feeling the female nod against him. 

“did you need something earlier?” 

the sick-looking boy watches as she sits up, arms stretching up above her head and causing his large shirt on her smaller figure to scrunch up. 

“i don't know.” she shrugs. he sits up as well and brushes a piece of her
(h/t) hair behind her ear.


“i love you.” her smile is shy as she looks up at him with her big, innocent, love-filled (e/c) eyes. 

boris can't hide the smile tugging across his face as he pulls the female onto his lap. 

“i love you too.”

the two had said it to one another many times, but this was the first time that felt truly sincere.

boris and (y/n) started dating in the tenth grade, a year after they met.

theodore had introduced the two.

since then, they have been each other's motivation to continue living. boris had always had a tough and confusing life, making it hard for him to trust, but when he met her, he knew he wouldn't be able to stay away.

he could only hope that she actually felt the same.

"what would you like to do today?" she asks, the smile on her face reaching her eyes.

boris squeezes her waist and shrugs, “let's go to the aquarium.”

“the aquarium, uvereny li vy?”

“yeah, why not? you've got anything better?” he chuckles, playfully pushing her off of him, a gasp falling past her soft lips.

“no, not really.” she smiles. the curly haired boy gets up from the bed and grabs some clothes before heading to the bathroom. 

“you have less than three seconds to join me before i close this door.” he calls, and her eyes widen as she grabs clothes from the drawer and rushes in.

twenty minutes later, the two are out and dressed. boris grabs his girlfriend's hand as soon as she's got her shoes on, tugging her out of their small apartment.

the aquarium was fairly large, a bit overrated if either of the young adults were to be honest.

there was nothing exciting about seeing animals be held captive and forced to do things they're not used to.

(y/n) turns to the taller boy with an amused expression, watching as he lets a soft sigh fall past his lips.

people were staring at the two with confusion, most likely as to why someone as gorgeous as (y/n) was being seen with a boy who looked like he smokes weed on the daily.

almost immediately she can sense the uncomfortableness from him, her thumb tracing gently on the skin between his thumb and pointer finger.

"we can go home." she hums, grabbing his attention. he looks down at her with a blank face, the redness under his eyes seeming to have gotten worse, "maybe watch some movies. oh! i'll even make some golubtsy, your favorite!"

that was how most of their days went. boris sometimes felt guilty for keeping her cooped up all the time, but he never voiced it. it'd make him seem weak.

she was too good for him, most definitely deserved someone better. someone who could be seen out in public with her without being stared at with disgust.

that's when his trust slowly began to crumble, his mind making him feel things he would've never expected to feel.


[ now ]

"let me the fuck out of here!" his hands gripped the steel bars of his cell.

"might as well give it a rest, buddy. they don't give a shit." his cellmate droned from the bunks, eyes closed.

boris turned around immediately, his body feeling livid as he let out a pained shout.

"you don't understand! th-they think i killed her. they think i killed my lyubov. i could never, i would never hurt my (y/n). ever."

the older man sat up, letting out a rugged cough as he pats the spot beside him.

boris hesitantly sits down, his head immediately taking rest in his shaky hands.

"look, i don't know you and i sure as hell don't know your story. let me give you some advice though, kid." the stranger coughs once again before clearing his throat, "if you're guilty, admit it. there's nothing worse than being left to feel the regret of not admitting your faults. say maybe you're telling the truth? say maybe you really didn't kill her—"

"i didn't, i—"

"stay calm. perhaps she's just gone missing. throwing a fit and shouting and being violent will do nothing for your case. if what you say is true, things will get better, soon."

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