if we have each other (4/5)

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part four!

{ germany, lieberwhore, january embers, sadiekins, dogsoft }

from: germany
she's in the hospital, not doing so well. meet us here?

from: january embers
she was involved in a hit and run, finn. can you please just put this stupid feud past you and come visit?

from: lieberwhore
finn ik ur not in the mood but this is serious. please answer.

from: sadiekins
look even if you don't come, no one has y/n's mom's number and it's not in her phone. can you call her and let her know what's up?


finn scoffs, knowing that out of all the people there with y/n, at least one of them most definitely has the elder
l/n's number.

nonetheless, the curly haired boy dials her mother's number and presses call.

"hello?" she sounds so much like her daughter that the wolfhard boy's heart begins to race.

"h-hi, mrs.l/n!"

"finn? something must be wrong, are you okay?" she asks, only causing the young man to feel worse.

"i'm fine. but y/n... she was hit by a car and is in the hospital. jaeden, jeremy, and the others are with her."

"oh. are you there already? you're such a sweet guy. i'm on my way." she hangs up before finn can get another word out.

groaning, the lanky boy runs a hand through his hair before grabbing some clothes and heading to shower.


not too long after, he arrives at the hospital, easily finding a parking spot.

"i'm here for y/n l/n." he sighs once he reaches the front desk. the receptionist nods, telling him the room number.

as he makes my way down the hall, he turns, crashing right into someone.

"finnlard?" a familiar voice asks.

a small smile plays on finn's lips and before he knows it, he's pulling jaeden into a tight hug.

there was no lie in the fact that he missed everyone.

"who else is here?" he asks as they break apart.

"sadie, sophia, jeremy, and wyatt."

"wyatt?" finn asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"he's the guy who saved her."

instead of saying anything else, the dark haired boy nods and allows jaeden to lead him to a small waiting area just outside a room .

when the two boys walk in, finn immediately sees sadie, sophia, and jeremy laughing at something a young man with noodle looking hair had said.

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