the outcasts (2/5)

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chapter two: the losers club

"what the hell do you mean?" lucas paces in hoppers' living room, hands shaky as they rest on his head.

"stop yelling!" y/n groans, tired of the chocolate skinned boys' whining.

"she's right. we can't get to the bottom of anything if we continue to panic." dustin sighs.

jane gets up from the couch and goes to the kitchen, taking out the popped eggos for her sister.

"fine. so, four...or y/n, or whatever. you're telling me you saw will?"

the y/h/c haired girl nods, eyes big.

"i was running from the bad men, on n-neibolt street and i saw the, will, being dragged by someone."

max huffs out, body now sprawled on the floor, "someone? what did the someone look like?"

four shakes her head, "okay, maybe it wasn't a someone. it was more of a something. you guys won't believe me if i tell you what it looked like."

"just tell us!" lucas shouts, anger and worry coursing through his veins.

"alright, alright!" four's voice lowers and her eyesight shifts to the ground, "it looked like a clown."


"m-max! wha-what are you d-d-doing here? the one and only bill denbrough questions, staring confusedly at the red headed girl and the four people standing behind her.

"bill, hey. remember when you told me you and your loser friends saw that clown on your projector?"

bill nods, still not sure where this conversation is going.

"i'm so sorry, don't you have like p-parents or something? we should come back another ti-"

"no!" lucas grips y/n by her wrist, preventing her from walking away.

"that clown. our friend here says she saw it take will." dustin clears his throat.

"will byers? d-didn't that kid ju-j-just get back f-from something c-c-called the upside down?"

all five teens nod, and soon enough, bill is motioning for them to come inside.

now, they are all seated on his couch, contemplating why in the hell the clown wants will.

"it's name is p-p-pennywise. he took my brother a-and betty r-ripsom years ago. now he's got be-beverly and w-wh-will."

"do you know where would it go?" lucas scoots to the edge of the couch.

"y-yes, but i don't t-th-think you guys sh-should go a-alone." the brown quiffed boy stutters, his brown orbs wide.

"what if you come with us? the rest of the losers can join too!" maz quips.

bill opens his mouth to answer but his doorbell cuts him off, causing a gasp to fall past his lips.

jane hops up and gets it, her voice echoing through the house as she greets the group of teens.

"just the people we needed! we're going clown hunting." the short haired girl chuckles, leading them to the rest.

"what the hell is she talking about?" richie shouts as soon as he sees bill.

dustin, lucas, and y/n jump up, awkwardly staring. max smiles and waves at the losers, her being the only one who's hung out with them.
"how are you guys? you know... since bever-"

"let's not talk about her right now, please." ben whimpers, his chubby cheeks a light shade of red.

"i'm still confused as to why weirdo over here said we're going clown hunting." the glasses clad boy says.

"hey! don't call my sister a weirdo!" four cuts in, eyes narrowing in on the boy.

he stares at her with an amused expression, a low chuckle escaping his mouth.

"why the hell not? she is a weirdo."

"why you litt-"

"guys, stop! this is serious. if we want to find will and beverly we need to stick together." bill shouts, his words leaving everyone to stare with open mouths.

"you didn't stutter." max grins, hugging him.

the boy blushes, "i g-guess it just d-d-disappears when i-i'm angry."

"so you're telling me i have to disobey my mother once again to fight some crazy ass clown?" eddie shouts, reaching through his fanny pack for his inhaler.

y/n, also known as four, giggles, "who are these people?"

"us?" mike asks, earning a nod, "we're the losers club. i'm mike, crybaby over there is eddie, trashmouth right here is richie, chubs back there is ben, and the curly haired one is stanley."

"yeah, that's us. who are you?" ben cuts in, glaring at the unknown group of teens.

eleven steps in front of her friends.

"we're in the av club at derry high. i'm jane, midnight right here is lucas, toothless back there is dustin, you guys already know max, and the short one hiding behind me is y/n. my sister."

"your sister? i've never see her around." stanley raises an eyebrow.

"i'm pretty sure you guys have heard my story." she waits for them to nod before continuing, "well, hers is similar to mine."

bill stands up from the couch, the group now forming a perfect circle in his living room.

"y-you mean sh-she has powers t-t-too?"

eleven nods, and suddenly all eyes are on y/n.

richie laughs again, causing the girls cheeks to heat up.

"what are you laughing at, four eyes?"

"you can't make that joke. your name is four." lucas chuckles, and y/n glares at him.

"this is too much for me to handle. some mysterious girl is jane's sister and has powers we have no clue of. they both have tattoos, which my mother will not approve of. will byers and beverly marsh are missing and now we have to find them! this is...this is insane!" eddie is in absolute panic mode now, his face red and eyes tearing up.

y/n stares at the boy with wide eyes, her feet slowly making their way towards him.

him and everyone around them furrow their eyebrows as they watch her lift her hand to his head.

almost immediately, eddie kapsbrak feels at ease.

"she has a healing factor." mike gasps, eyes wide with amazement.

"enough of that, don't we have so clown killing to do?" dustin groans.

the huge group of teens nod and get comfortable in order to plan their attack.

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