f.w - one god damn rose

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"Is it so hard for you Y/N to understand that you will never EVER meet Finn Wolfhard?!" You're friend Ally said. You couldn't believe it. Did she just say that? You knew you'll never meet him , but it was to live in a world where he could show up any minute.

Finn was just another stupid celebrity crush. You thought that you'll get over him super fast , as fast you did the last time. But... Finn is different. The problem is that you fell in love with a character you made up so can be the one. You never said it out loud because , 1st everyone's reaction would be like Ally's and 2nd , because it would sound stupid to words like these to come out of the mouth of a Y/A ( your age ).

"What?" is all you could say after you came back to reality. "You heard me. Listen... I am saying this for your good. You can't just continue to...." Ally was saying , but you stopped listening.

Your dreams were broken. Broken. Why would she do that?

"Hey Ally , ALLY!" you yelled and she froze like she just saw a ghost. "Listen... I know I'll never meet him , but if you really cared about me , then you wouldn't said this to me. Okay? Now... I do like Finn because he has great humour , he can sing , he can act , he is understandable and supports everyone! Not like you , to think that he can dance and he can..." You said with a little giggle at the end. "...not like you to think that everyone likes him. Not like you to be so hateful to everyone who is saying or doing the thing he thinks is right. In this scenario you are the bad person. Not the one who tries to help." You said and got up. You left ten dollars on the table for your food and almost left.

From the other tables you could hear whispers and giggles. But one conversation caught your ear while walking to the exit. "Can I please take this rose? Please! It's only one god damn rose , nothing more..." And as you were walking you started to hear less. Right after you got out someone tapped on your shoulder. "Excuse me , um , I heard your conversation and I think you deserve this rose."

Finn freaking Wolfhard said. "Um , t-thanks." You said as you blushed. "I-I'm Finn , but I think you already know that." He said. "Yes I do. I MEAN..." you sighed , good first impression. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." "Well , I'll get going... Here is my number so you can call me later for our date." he said as he handed you a peace of paper. "Date?" you asked confused. "Yeah , would you like to.." "I'd love to." You said and smiled.

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