if we have each other (3/5)

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part three!

you haven't left your room.

you were hurting and everyone around you knew that it wasn't because of the terrible cramps you had been receiving.

you weren't at all expecting moving on from the wolfhard boy to be easy, but you didn't expect it to be this hard either.

"y/n, do you mind-"

"leave me alone." you groan, shoving your face into your pillow.

(brother's name) hasn't left you alone since the night you came home and fell apart.

the same night you, sadie, and sophia found finn.

(brother's name) continues to speak, but you ignore him, zoning out.


"finnlard, would you just come?!" sophia begs, tugging the tall boy by the arms.

the four of you have been sitting on the side of the road for more thirty minutes.

"okay, fine." she speaks after finn mumbles something.

your heart begins to pound in your chest as sophia walks towards the car, finn slowly trailing behind her.

sophia walks around to the drivers window, her blue eyes meeting your y/e/c ones.

"he won't get in unless i drive."

you immediately nod, quickly jumping over the console and into the backseat with sadie, who is eyeing you cautiously.


"he keeps looking at you in the mirror." sadie whispers , just as sophia pulls the car into his driveway.

you shrug, already knowing this, since you've been doing the same.

"thanks." finn mutters quietly before getting out the car and walking up the steps.

as the car turns out of his driveway though, he does something you don't expect.

he eyes you, and when brown meets y/e/c, tears collect in his eyes and a few fall.

that's when your whole world falls apart.


"y/n/n, again?" (brother's name) speaks and you blink, not even noticing him come into the room.

you furrow your eyebrows in confusion, suddenly realizing how soaked your pillow has gotten. you were crying, and as soon as that came to your attention you don't even bother trying to hide it.

(brother's name) jumps in surprise as you let out a sob, his eyes widening drastically.

footsteps are immediately heard running up the steps and seconds later both your mother and father have walked in.

your mom sits on the bed beside you, her arms wrapping around your shoulders in a loving embrace.

in the corner of your eye you see your brother and father leave the room.

( TONGUE TIED ! ) fw imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now