f.w - pizza

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(^^ gm streaks 😌)

My doorbell rings and I dash to my kitchen counter, grabbing the $20 that was left for me. Heading to the door, I fix my hair and wipe the crumbs from (fave messy food) off my shirt. I open it to find an impatient boy smirking at me.

"Took you 4 minutes less than usual, (y/n). Here's your pizza." I blush as he hands me the meal, then try and balance it while handing him the money, a box falling from underneath my arm. I gasp before seeing him swiftly catch it and swapping it for the 20 in my other hand.

"T-thanks, Finn." He nods, tipping his pizza boy hat before heading back to his scooter and hopping on, looking at me once more and chuckling before going off to the next house. I go back in and set my pizza and wings on the coffee table, smiling like an idiot.

That was Finn, the pizza boy for my neighborhood. Also the one and only crush I've had since 6th grade. Every time my parent(s) go out, I order a pizza just to see him come up to my door. Well, for the pizza too of course. His crazy, curly hair and perfect smile can get me going red in mere seconds.

I sigh as I start on the wings, slouched on the couch and watching Netflix, trying to find a show to watch. Once I find one, I hear the bell ring again and grumble, pushing my plate to the side and sliding onto the floor before pushing myself to get up and answer.

"Hey, where's my tip?" He raises an eyebrow. I back up, starting to stutter before looking up at him confused.

"The bill was 15 bucks, I gave you 20, which means I tipped you over 20% actually-" he chuckles again, stepping in my house and closing the door.

"I was kidding, (least fave nickname). And bugs were flying in." I glare and shrug at him, twiddling my thumbs as we stand in silence for a minute before he hands me an invite to a club with a band named Calpurnia playing. "So, um... my band is playing it's first gig next friday and I was wondering if you'd like to go? You don't have to or anything it's nothing big I just thought-"

"Sure! I'd love to." I smile and laugh at how awkward he is. He gets a little flustered and smiles, walking out again.

"Great! All the info is in the invitation. See ya (y/n)!" He skips backwards to wave at me, almost tripping while doing so. I laugh and shut the door, going to sit again, staring at the invitation and smiling.

n e x t f r i d a y

I finally choose the perfect outfit for tonight, a black crop top with high waisted shorts and a jean jacket over it all. Grabbing my checkered vans, I head out to have my mom drive me, lecturing me about no drinking or talking to strangers. Once we're there, I spot (best friend) waiting outside for me and run out, waving bye to my mom before walking in the club. It's a nice club for people 18 and under so there were supposedly no drinks, but once I got in, it seemed some kids were drunk, so I steered away from them and got myself a water bottle, heading for right in front of the stage and trying to peek behind the curtains for Finn.

"Looking for me?" he whispers in my ear, making me shriek and turn to him in shock. He laughs and I smile, calming down when watching him, before hitting his shoulder lightly.

"Rude!" He snickers and (best friend) comes over with a confused look on their face before Finn calms down and turns back to me.

"We're on in 15 minutes, I was just grabbing some water when I saw you and wanted to just say.. I'm glad you came." He scratched his neck and smirks looking at you and taking in your outfit. "And may I say, it's kinda crazy seeing you out of your house and pajamas in the summer time." I blush and laugh, embarrassed at the fact that that really is all he's seen me in since school.

"Well this is the first time she's come out of her house in months so you must be special." (friend) pitches in, sipping their tea. My eyes widen as I hit their arm and they chuckle before turning back to Finn and smiling. He blushes and clears his throat before walking backwards for a bit, then turning entirely and heading backstage. I put my head in my hands before scolding (friend) again and gulping down my water to cool off, taking the jacket off as well and wrapping it around my waist.

15 minutes pass and someone comes out to introduce the band, I look up and first see three other kids from school, Jackson, Malcolm, and Ayla, then Finn come out last and stand front and center. He smiles down at me before starting to strum and looking at his other members and nodding. They start off with a favorite of mine, Wanted You by Twin Peaks, and everyone starts dancing and singing along. They play a few more songs that I recognize before playing a few of their originals. After an hour or so of dancing and jumping around, they pack up, telling people that they have merch in the back. I'm first to run over and grab a shirt and vinyl of their album they called "Scout". I put the shirt on over my first one and head back over to see Finn walking towards me holding his guitar case. Some people cut him off on his way to get his autograph and (friend) taps my shoulder.

"Hey, my mom's here. Need a ride?" I nod and start walking with her before someone grabs my hand and pulls me back, startling us both.

"Actually, I can take her home." Finn spins me around to face him and I smile, waving bye to them and walking out with Finn and holding his case for him, putting my vinyl in it as I hop on the back of his scooter (its a snazzy scooter) and wrap my arms around his waist, making slight conversation about how amazing tonight was. We get to my house and he walks me up.

"Thanks for inviting me." "Thanks for coming." We both awkwardly shuffle, he plays with his fingers as I grab the vinyl and hand him his guitar.


"Okay well I'll see you next time I order pizza." I start to walk inside before he clears his throat and grabs my hand again.

"Where's my tip?" he smirks, walking closer to me as my legs start to wobble and almost give out. I act confused for a second before moving even closer and kissing him lightly. He pouts and I giggle. "That was only 5%, your supposed to tip at most 20-" I shut him up, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him longer than the first time, smiling as I pull away, both of us flustered and slightly shocked.

"Bye, Finn." He half smiles and waves, still standing on my porch, stiff as a board. I close the door and peek out the window to see him jump down my steps with his arms in the air in celebration. I fall back in laughter and sigh, heading to my room and setting the vinyl down next to my bed before flopping down, arms and legs spread out. I then start to celebrate more by giggling, jumping around and putting his music on, dancing around some more and learning the lyrics. My phone dings and from the corner of my eye I see "Finn <3" on the screen. I jump over to it and grab it, opening the text immediately.

Finn: good night, pizza lover <3

(y/n): good night, delivery boy <3

hELLo iT iS i !!! tHe OrIgInAL wRitER baCk wITh aNotHer cRinGy story !!1!

thx 4 the suggestion @heyitsmeugly ur awesome xoxo sorry if you don't like / wasnt what you wanted exactly

i also made this story to go like an edit i saw on insta but i can't find it to credit sry 😔😔

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