play the part (3/3)

646 30 16

part three!

[ then ]

the sunlight shone through the sheer curtains, hitting directly onto (y/n)'s face.

a groan falls past her lips as she shifts in the queen sized bed, her eyebrows furrowing as she notices the emptiness of it.

with a flutter of her eyelids, (y/n) opens her eyes.

"bo?" she calls, her voice laced with tiredness. she cringes as she feels a sharp pain in her stomach.

the pain ceases to subside, causing a whimper to fall past her lips as she struggles to get up from bed.

"boris!" her voice is strained, a few tears springing to her eyes. the pain gets really bad before suddenly dispersing completely.

(y/n) runs her hand through her messy, (h/c) hair, letting out a deep breath before slowly rising from the bed.

she walks around the apartment a few times in hopes of finding her boyfriend, and she could've sworn she saw something moving in the kitchen, but when she gets there, there's nothing.

the pain in her stomach sparks again, so she sighs, hoping that boris is probably out grocery shopping or something along those lines.

(y/n) goes through the motions of her morning routine, her head not fully there as she was still worrying about her boyfriend.

after brushing her teeth, showering, and getting dressed, she notices that the discomfort within her abdomen is still present.

she decides on going to the pharmacy.

the young female walks there, due to it not being very far from her home. one of her hands rests on her stomach as she does so.

every now and then it seemed as if someone was following her. after glancing back way too many times to count, she speeds up her steps.

eventually, she makes it to the pharmacy and walks in, smiling softly toward the teenage girl behind the counter.

(y/n) walks through the isles a few times, not quite sure what to grab.

in the corner of her eye, she catches sight of a rack of pregnancy tests.

stopping herself from going towards it, she shakes her head and grabs a pepto bismo. the (s/c) skinned girl does one more lap around the store before finally grabbing two tests.

she pays and heads back out into the warmth of the early morning, a small, hopeful smile adorned on her face.

the female makes it to the apartment complex, about to turn into the main lobby when she bumps into someone.

her apologetic, (e/c) eyes glance up and lock with brown ones, not able to miss the horrid redness beneath them.

"boris?" she asks confused, not quite sure if the unsettling feeling in her gut was from the sickness she was feeling or because something bad was about to happen, "where were you this morning? i woke and you were gon—"

before she can finish her sentence, the taller boy grabs her by the forearm, pulling her into the building. he doesn't say anything as they head towards the stairs.

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