out of sight (2/2)

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(y/n) steps into the house warily, shivering as she was wet and her house was fairly cooler than outside.

she walks on her toes, almost making it to the stairs when someone in the corner clears their throat.

the light comes on immediately after, and she sighs in defeat.

"look, mom and i got into an argument because i've been suspended again and then steve came and started messin' with me. i had to get out, i promise i wasn't causing any trouble. i was with beverly."

her father sucks his teeth, waving her off.

"you know i don't mind it, at least not as much as your mother. you're lucky it was me who went to check on you. just leave a note next time?"

the (h/c) haired female nods, a small smile on her face. she quickly jogs up the stairs to her room, cringing as the door slams shut.

without even an ounce of hesitation she begins to strip out of her wet clothes and head to the shower. 

the rest of her week is quite boring, as she was suspended from school as well as being grounded because her brother snitched on her.

soon enough, the next monday rolls by and (y/n) is getting dressed for school.

she and patrick walk to the hell school, sorry, highschool together, but separately. they keep a huge distance between the both of them, sending one another evil looks every now and then.

when they arrive at the school they immediately part ways, (y/n) catching up with beverly and patrick going good knows where.

once the (s/c) skinned girl finds sight of her freckled friend, she stops in her tracks, noticing that richie and his gang are surrounding her.

her fingernails dig into her palm as she balls her hands into fists, her feet dragging on the floor as she makes her way towards them.

"fuck off, bowers." beverly groans, slapping away the boy's hand. a blush creeps onto his neck, causing the rest of the boys to laugh.

"we'll leave as soon as that little friend of yours shows up." richie scoffs.

"i'm right here." (y/n) speaks up, her facial expression blank and her shoulders tense.

all four boys push themselves off of the locker, arms crossed over their chest as they hover over the (s/c) skinned female.

"i told you, you wouldn't get away with what you did the other day." the boy glares at her, to which she responds with a snort.

just as she opens her mouth to speak, the bell for their first class rings.

she and beverly make a move to walk away, but victor criss speaks up.

"leaving so soon? should've known you two were a pair of downers."

(y/n) only huffs, tugging her backpack higher up on her shoulders before grabbing beverly's wrist and leading her to class.

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