irl (2/2)

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haha y'all might've thought i was done with that but guess what there's a second part


your pov

finnwolfhardofficial liked your post

I nearly screamed as the notification stuck out of all the others. Screenshotting it then opening it up, I saw it was a terribly embarrassing photo from my (latest) birthday party. Going back through notifications, I see his like disappeared. Maybe it was an accident? But why would he have gone that far down unless...

"THE Finn Wolfhard did not just stalk my page. Really?" I chuckled at the thought, my eyes widening at the possibility. Sighing again as I went through my latest DMs, I found the one I was looking for and went back onto his page to see his newest post and like it.

 Sighing again as I went through my latest DMs, I found the one I was looking for and went back onto his page to see his newest post and like it

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Liked by milliebobbybrown, jacobsartorius, and 139,564 others

finnwolfhardofficial #tbt but together again and heading back to the set!


user47 omG they're going back to Ontario !1!

(your user) hey your filming where i live wolfhard

posted 3m ago

Right after posting that comment I immediately regret it due to the people hating on me possibly seeing it. I delete it and lie back on my bed again, rubbing my tired eyes and rolling onto my floor to get to the bathroom. I stand and look into the mirror to see my still slightly blotchy face from crying and throw water onto it to try and calm it down.

"(y/n) I'm home! Come down I have a surprise!!" My mom yells and I rush down to meet her and help with the groceries. She then pulls out her phone and shows me a convention where-

"I'M MEETING THE IT CAST?!?!?" I scream and grab the phone to make sure she's not lying to me. As I jump around in excitement she laughs and I pull her into a huge hug. "thank you thank you thank yOU!" I smile wide enough to hurt my cheeks and she nods, smiling back.

"You can also bring one of your friends if you want, I bought two for ya." I immediately text (best friend) and she starts to freak out as well, sending many wholesome memes about how wonderful I am. Giggling, I hand my mom's phone back to her and head to my room.

I'll try to get in touch with you soon maybe? Oh, Finn. It'll be closer than you think.

~lets do the time warp againnn~

I walk into the place and see it's crazy packed. (bff) and I got dressed up in casual clothes and felt pretty under dressed when seeing all the other IT fans around us. Before the cat comes to the autograph station, all of us stand at the doors, awaiting their presence. (bff) and I squeeze to the front so we're able to be right in next of them, other than the bodyguards separating them from us. I soon here screaming start and take out my phone, Smiling like crazy as they pass by. Sophia waves to all of us and her eyes widen when she sees me. She turns to Jaeden and whispers something to him, turning his attention to my face too. Soon, as they all pass, I'm being stared down by all of them and a few onlookers.

"Why... why are they staring at you?" (bff) whispers to me and I shrug as I turn and see Finn walk by and my heart stops. His curly brown hair bounces lightly as he walks, his beautiful smile lighting up the room. He waves and looks around at all of us stopping when making eye contact will me. His smile drops and he stumbles before smirking again and walking a little faster. I snicker slightly and (bff) tries to question it again and I wave it away. We get a head start towards Finn's booth, knowing it'll be crowded in seconds. We're able to get there and have to wait 10 minutes until seeing him. I smile excitedly and (bff) and I start jumping like crazy.

5 minutes close to him, I see him stand with a girl and take a picture with them. His eyes wander and catch mine for a second before he coughs and the girl thanks him. He sits and drinks his water before signing the next person before we're up. My knees get weak and palms sweaty as I open my phone and look down at the screenshot I had gotten of his like. Chuckling maniacally, I hand the money over and wave to him. He smiles back and I show him my phone screen, getting him to freeze up.

"Worst part is, that's an insane picture of me, man." I snort and he chuckles, looking down to sign my picture.

"Sorry, I just really liked it, 'man'" he mocks me as I start taking secret candids of him smiling at me. I shrug and smile, asking for the picture. He nods and I stand next to him, feeling his arm go around my (waist/shoulder)

"I told you I lived here."

"You never said you were coming to meet me."

"Say cheese!"

We both smile as my friend takes many pictures of us. He then hugs me and I sense them taking even more for me before I wave again to him as he goes to do the same for my friend. After I'm done taking pictures of them, we say goodbye.

"Hey, sorry again for what happen-" I cut him off, smiling at him.

"I told you it's fine. I'm fine. Thank you. See ya for the pictures!" He nods and the next person goes to him. (bff) starts screaming at me asking what happened and I show her the screenshot of him liking my post. They pretend to almost faint before we go to all the others.

In line for Chosen, we see a girl named Kayla (we know her fanpage for him) tell him how much she loves him and he says he feels the same way so they are happy together and live happily ever after <- I WISH ;-; okay back 2 story

I laugh with the cast and they all ask me about how I am, I repeat the last thing I said to Finn to all of them, happy they cared so much. (bff) did full on photoshoots when taking pictures of me with them as I also took candids and did the same for them. We looked through all the pictures and autographs happily before waiting upstairs for our photos with them all separately then a group photo for the two of us. After getting them all except Finn, we were laughing like crazy seeing the wonderful poses and fun yet short time we had with them all.

"Here she is again, the famous (y/n)! Finn laughs as I walk up to him once more. Flipping my hair and laughing lightly, he smiles and hugs me, looking down at me as I looked at him. He smirked lightly and his pupils dilated. I smile widely at him before hearing that the next person was supposed to go. "Give me your number when taking the group pic." he whispered and I nodded, skipping away but still looking towards him. The next person went for the same hug I got but was side hugged instead. I blushed, hoping I was the only one who got to do that.

"YOURS LOOKS SO CUTE SCREW YOU" (bff) fake sobbed as I smiled cheekily at them. Theirs was cute as well but I'm sure happy I got to do that. I wrote down my phone number and waited in the long line for the group photo.

"(y/n)!" they all smiled at me and waved to my friend happily. I stood next to Finn and (bff) stood next to (their favourite) as we smiled at the camera, doing a dumb pose to go with it. We all laughed and I slipped my number into Finn's hand. He held my hand there for a few seconds, smiling at me and squeezing it lightly before letting me go. My legs almost gave out and my stomach full of butterflies as I skipped over towards the printer. My phone buzzed, a text from my mom telling me she was almost there to pick us up. I then went on instagram and gasped lightly

finnwolfhardofficial has requested to follow you - accepted

unknown number: hey :) - finn (if you didn't know)

you: oh hi :) - (y/n) (if you didn't know ;))


for real this time

hehehe (but really)

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