b.p - play the part (1/3)

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part one!

a|n ; (s/n) means son's name.


"boris pavlikovsky." the dark haired, brown eyed boy mutters, staring blankly in front of him.

the officer seated in front of him nods, his eyes taking in his appearance.



"when was the last time you saw mrs.(l/n)?"

"two days ago." boris glances at the grayed-bearded man ever so slightly, before looking down and beginning to fiddle with his fingers.

"what was your relationship with her?"

it takes him a few seconds to answer, as he runs his hand through his hair and takes a shallow breath.

"she was my girlfriend...i was going to make her my wife soon." he slams his hand on the table in front of him, his eyes locking with the officers, " i didn't kill her if that's what you're thinking. i loved her! she was my most prized possession."

the officer glances at the window behind them, nodding his head as if he's speaking to someone.

boris looks behind him to see who, but is only met with the reflection of himself.

"did (y/n) have any enemies? did anyone despise her?"

me, i did. boris thinks to himself.

"not that i know of. she's such a loveable person, she made everyone happy." the words fell out of his mouth like poison.

"right. can you give me a detailed summary of the last day you saw her?"

"yeah, she uh, she had woken up earlier than normal, claiming to have a stomachache. i told her to lie back down, that'd it'd be better if she got more sleep. she didn't listen. she told me she was going to run out to the pharmacy." his voice trails off.

i followed her.

"i fell back asleep after that. i suspected she'd be back in about fifteen minutes or so, the pharmacy wasn't far."

"did she come back?"


"no, sir. she didn't."

"what kind of people did she hang out with?"

the young man bites his lip as it begins to quiver, "could you...could you stop saying it in the past tense?"


"because she's gone! she's gone and i'm not ready to believe it. i keep praying that this is some wicked prank, that i'll wake up tomorrow and she'll be next to me."

good job, buddy. ever thought of an acting career?

"fine. what kind of people does she hang out with?" the officer rolls his eyes.

"me. (y/n) didn't really have close friends."

"i thought you said she was very loveable."

"right, she was. that doesn't mean she had friends. everyone wanted to know her, and be with her, but she turned them down."

"and what made you so special?"

boris chuckles at that, slowly shifting in his seat.

"i'm not sure what made me so special. i ask myself that question everyday. maybe it was because i didn't try so hard to be something i'm not. or maybe it was because i was the only one in our entire school that didn't know who she was."

that's a lie, i was hiding something.

i'm still hiding something.

"had she ever acted oddly around you?"

"of course not. the only time she hid something from me was when she was pregnant with (s/n)."

"(s/n)?" the man's eyebrows lift.

boris nods slightly, "he'd be two years old if he were still alive."

"you guys had a son?"

"yeah, he died two weeks after he was born."

"why do you say it as if you don't care?"

"i do care," he scoffs, eyes livid, "that was my son. why would you think i don't care? why the hell am i here? i didn't kill her! you guys brought me here 'cause you think i killed her! i would never, i want her back! i didn't kill her!"

boris stands up, only to be stopped by the handcuffs attached the table. he kicks the chair over, causing the cop to stand up.

he continues to thrash around, trying to knock over anything he can. soon enough, more officers are called in, and boris pavlikovsky is dragged out and put into a cell.

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