m.w - saviour (1/2)

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part one!

everyday was a struggle for mike wheeler. today seemed to be the worst of them all.

as the pale boy sat under a tree beside the school, he couldn't help but feel onlookers burning stares.

it confused him, why everyone, even the higher class students were taking such an interest him. for the seventh time this day, mike glances at his outfit, expecting to see toilet paper on the bottom of his shoe, or a hole in his pants, but there was none.

with a huff, the curly haired boy goes back to his book, butterflies dancing in his stomach as he is not so used to the attention. he preferred to be invisible at school, his many tactics to do so usually succeeding.

until today.

"excuse me?" a deep voice is heard beside him, and he slowly lifts his head, chestnut eyes meeting familiar dark brown ones.

"what do you want, troy?"

the slightly tan, brown eyed boy chuckles sheepishly.

"i just wanted to say that you look bitchin' today." as the words escape his mouth, mike can tell somethings up.

"stop shitting me." he huffs, annoyed at the star quarterback for trying to sweet talk him, "you need me to do your homework, don't you?

the dark haired boy nods, a small blush forming on his cheeks.

"s-sorry, i just felt bad because i'm basically using you."

mike rolls his eyes, large hands being held out as he waits for him to hand him his work.

"you didn't care yesterday, so don't start caring now."

with that, the pale boy grabs his things and walks away, not wanting troy to see the tears threatening to escape his dull eyes.

of course he needs his help on the one day he's already got a shit ton of things to do.

he hates that everyone just depends on him to be there to save them. none of them knew that it was mike who finally needed to be saved. his world was slowly crumbling day by day.

"mike, bob called and said he needs you to work the shop til closing time." a voice speaks as soon as the nineteen year old boy enters his home.

not bothering to wipe his tears, he sets his stuff down and walks to the kitchen where his mother is slicing carrots.

"i can't today, mom. i've got so much homework and-"

"i'll tell nancy to do your homework for you." the elder cuts her son off, not even glancing his way.


"you're working the late shift and that is final. the landlord has been sweet enough to postpone the due date of our mortgage, we need that money a-s-a-p."

mike whimpers, finally catching the attention of his mother.

"why can't you get a job? or even nancy?! why am i always the one to pay the bills and grocery shop and-"

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