f.w - 3 years ago

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I sigh, scrolling through my instagram feed as I ate chips with my favorite dip. My hair hasn't been brushed in days and I've been sitting on my bed for the past three days in my pajamas. Summertime hit hard and none of my friends were available to hang out due to vacations so I was alone, sitting in my room, for days doing nothing.

"(y/n), can you please clean your room? We're heading out to the store and having a date night so call us if you need anything. Money on the kitchen counter! Love you!" My mom came in, quickly explaining as she put an earring in and rushed out. I chuckled and sighed, standing up before looking around and wincing.

Yeesh. This place is disgusting. I picked up all my clothes and put it in the hamper before picking up all my empty bags of junk food and going outside to throw them out. The sunlight made me hiss lightly as I hurriedly threw the stuff out, trying to go unnoticed.

"(y/n)? Is that you?" I froze and slowly turned to find an unfamiliar face, giving them a confused glance. They chuckled and walked closer. "It's Finn! From middle school?" My eyes widened as he got closer and I tried to fix myself up lightly. His tall figure stood in front of me as I started analyzing his face. His hair was long and curly and his freckles were pretty noticable on his thin nose. His lips were lightly chapped but his smile was insanely adorable.

"Um... hi! Y-yeah I remember you, Wolfhard." I chuckled as I (pulled my knotty hair up/pushed it back) before crossing my arms to cover a large stain on my shirt. "Whatcha been up to lately? And do you wanna come in? You're hot. I mean it's hot." I blushed and started walking in, only for him to smirk and follow, chuckling lightly as I hit my head.

"Gee, thanks (your embarrassing nickname)." I whacked him, remembering how he called me that all the time. He moved away three years ago and I tried to keep in contact but I couldn't think of anything to text him. All I knew is that he recently moved back here from an insta post of his.

"So... what's it like to be back Finny?" I smiled, plopping down onto the couch. He lifted my legs up and sat them on his lap, sighing and leaning back. I looked at him with his eyes closed in relaxation, his jawline incredibly prominent with the position he was in. He turned to me and smiled.

"Hectic. It's nice seeing a familiar face. Especially yours." He booped my nose and I shook my head with surprise. He laughed and I smiled, the sound making me want to laugh too. I remembered how he could always put a smile on your face, it's just how he is.

"Well it's good to see you too, Finny. Catch me up on your life. Go!" He sat up, looking frantic when I yelled, before calming down and telling me about all that's been going on for the past two years.

"Why did you never text me though? You could've kept in contact with me." He randomly asked during my time to catch him up. He looked sad at me and I inhaled, shrugging lightly.

"I honestly don't know. I guess I couldn't think of anything to talk about. What about you though?"

"Me neither. Plus I was scared." He chuckled. I looked at him, confused, and he smiled. "You don't remeber the day I left, do you?" I shook my head, trying to think of it.

"Wait... oh my gosh I totally forgot!" My eyes widened as I could feel my face becoming red.

3 years ago

"Finny! Need help with anything?" I yelled, walking into his house and heading upstairs to his room. I got no response so I walked in, about to call him again until I saw him. My eyes widened as he stood there, only in his boxers. He turned around as his pale face flushed, pushing the door closed.

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