f.w - blush (1/2)

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meeting finn, he's not famous

I sigh as I unpack the final box in my new home, Vancouver, Canada. It's not that bad, really. My mum said the high school I'm going to is great and her job is going to do us well. I walk downstairs to see her pulling her shoes on for work and on the phone with dad who's already there.

"Okay, okay. (y/n), dad says he loves you and he's sorry he couldn't say bye and I've got to go. Why don't you... become familiar with the town? Go get some friends, okay? Okay, love you sweets!" She rushes out the door and I grab my new key and my skateboard. Rolling out and looking around, I happily spot a skate park nearby. I see many guys and girls doing the many tricks they know and suddenly become self conscious since I'm new to it. Before I skate away, I see a crowd forming around the half pipe and join, gasping as I see someone do a mid-air 360 and land safely.

"Woah!" "Who is that?" "I c-can do b-better." "That was legitness" "Shut up, Mike."

The lanky kid, about 5'8, stops after a few more crazy tricks and I can finally catch a glimpse of his face through his crazy curls. His breathing is a little unstable through his lips, he raises an arm to shake up his hair, making it messier as it falls over his brown eyes once more. He walks through the crowd, smiling as everyone's eyes follow him. He passes right by me and waves, winking before jogging off to, supposedly, his things. I blush, his wink haunting my thoughts. His beautiful freckled face is stuck in my head. People start coming up to me asking if I know him and I shake my head no.

As I start to head back home, I see Mr. Curls turn into his driveway, right next to my place. I chuckle and head inside, setting my key into the dish and getting a drink and sitting in the family room. I pick up the remote to remember we haven't set up the telly just yet.

"It hasn't been a day here yet and I'm already done with this place." flopping onto the floor, I sigh and shut my eyes. Just then, the doorbell rings and I jerk up. Dashing to the door, I look through the peeper and see a dark brown eye looking back, I hear him audibly jump back at the same time as me before I open the door to see my new neighbor and his family, The Curls.

"Welcome to the neighborhood! We brought cookies!" The mother smiled and held them out. I smiled back, still looking at skater boy and blushing madly. His mother seems to just find out he's been playing on his phone and whacks his arm lightly. He looks up, seeing me staring and blushing, and smirks at me. I cough awkwardly and smile at the family of four, grabbing the cookies.

"Hello, yes thank you kindly. We're the (y/l/n) family and my parents aren't actually home at the moment. They went to work and uhh yes, nice to meet you!" I shuffle slightly and stick my hand out to the mother. She gladly takes it in both her hands and shakes it firmly but friendly.

"We're the Wolfhard's, this is my husband Eric and my two sons Nick and Finn." I shake their hands in that order, a little hesitant with Finn, but smile at him as he takes it in his. He leaves it in his for a little longer than all the others so I smile and turn back to his mum, taking it out of his soft hand myself.

"Well, thank you again for the cookies and I'll tell my parents you stopped by. Hopefully I can save a few cookies for them." we all laugh at my joke, Finn's little snicker sticking out the most to me. I turn to see his nose crinkle a little and smile. He's so damn cute!

"Okay, well don't stuff yourself... did I catch your name?" his mother ask and I mentally facepalm, chuckling lightly again while blushing.

"(y/n), sorry." she waves it off as they start to walk off. I'm about to go back in when I see one of them stayed behind, Sighing. I turn to face him once more. "Yes, skater boy?" he shuffles awkwardly and mumbles something along the lines of 'your blush is cute' before running off to catch up with the rest of his family.

Closing the door, I go place the platter of cookies on the kitchen table and grab one, smiling. Taking a bite, I instantly fall in love with her baking. Moaning with delight, I eat five more uncontrollably but save a few for my parents. I go up to my room, set up my record player with my Mac DeMarco Salad Days vinyl, nodding my head to the beat of "Chamber of Reflection" while I hung up more Polaroids of my friends. As if suddenly reminded, I checked my phone to see 500 texts from (bestie) and immediately winced. Before I could check any texts, they called me and I answered as quick as I could.

"Hoe what thE HELL? I've been texting you for the last 4 hours and haven't gotten any details at all! Speak!" She sighed and I apologized for 5 minutes before telling her about the moving process and skater boy Finn, smiling and blushing at the thought of him again. She gasped and started off on me as I lowered the volume of my music. "Are you already crushing on a guy (y/n)??? Spill more details right now. What's he look like? Is he nice? Do you know anything about him?"

"No, I'm not crushing, thanks. But he's a skater, a really good one, and around 5'8 with crazy hair and freckles. Oh! He's also got amazing cheekbones and a nice jawline but I'm just pointing those out, no crushing." (bff) laughs at me and I give up, flopping onto my bed and shutting my eyes. "I've only seen the guy for ten minutes, how's this possible?" They try to comfort me before having to leave for homework. I say bye and head back downstairs to see my dad pull in, Nick and Finn in their yard recording each other doing weird things. Mum follows dad in as they park in the garage before heading in through the side door and hugging me.

"How was your day, sweetie? Make friends with the neighbors?" Mum kissed my head and I smiled, hugging my dad and showing them the cookies.

"Not really, but they did bring cookies! They're really good. I might've almost eaten them all." I smiled up at them as they grabbed cookies, rolling their eyes before taking a bite and going wide eyed. They finish off the rest of them in a minute or so.

"You're right, these are amazing! But they might want their plate back. Go return it while I set up the telly and your mum cooks please?" I nod and they go do their things as I walk over with the plate, knocking lightly on their door. I hear dogs barking and someone trying to calm them before opening the door a bit. I look down to see one small white fluffy one and another large brown softy. The person at the door throws a dog toy to get them away before the door opens all the way. I'm greeted by a smirking Finn, a blush naturally forming on my face.

"Oh, hey. I came to return your plate?" I handed it to him and he thanked me, staying there longer than I had expected. "So uh... yeah I'll head back now and-"

"Wait!" I turn to him and he walks out, his arm awkwardly stretching to rub the back of his neck. "So, you're uh... new here. Maybe I can... uh... show you around town maybe? I said maybe twice sorry." He rushes out as a blush now forms on his face while I smile. He looks up and smiles back, his arm placed back at his side as I nod."

"Yeah, sure! Tomorrow good?" He nods as I start to walk off after sealing the hangout.

"By the way, Mac DeMarco is great!" Finn yells back at me as I gasp. Turning, he points up to the side of his house. Right across from my window is a similar one, most likely his room it seems. A big grin sits on my face for the rest of the night, probably concerning my parents but leaving me with butterflies everywhere.

All I think of as I fall asleep is the memory of him waving and winking at me at the skate park.

Oh, skater boy, what are you doing to me?

a/n I'M ACTUALLY PROUD OF THIS??? sorry if you don't like it but yeet :))))

also i was just added into a group chat with my crush and i'm ??? quacking ??????

yes i intentionally said quacking instead of quaking

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