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     Another successful night, if I say so myself. At least as successful as it could be. The name's Maria. Maria Ramos. I go by Ria Ramos though. If I had it my way I'd go by Ria Ramone. Ugh, I LOVE the Ramones. That band is so great; they're gonna be huge one day.

Look at me, getting off track already. One of my many bad habits. I'm in a band and we just played an almost sold out show at the Whisky tonight. Not bad for a female fronted rock n roll band that is not taken very seriously. But that will change one day, you'll see.

Now, the boys and I were kicking it at the Seventh Veil; an infamous strip club, much to the boys request. The strippers are hot. The alcohol is strong. Dealers are not in short supply. So needless to say, I'm not against being here at all.

I could see the boys having waaay too much fun with the strippers. They had even sent a few over to me offering me lap dances to which I had to politely decline. I was really looking like the textbook definition of a buzzkill right now.

I stared down at my jack and coke, bored out of my mind. Jason, the drummer of our band saw me score some coke earlier and took it from me almost instantly. His intentions were good, but they're also annoying as hell. 

"Well, well, Maria. Always the life of the party I see." Ugh, that voice. The voice I grew to hate.

Nikki fucking Sixx.

Reluctantly, I looked up and gave the man the most unimpressed look I could. 

All he did was smirk at me and sit down across from me. In response, I downed the rest of my drink. "Ahh there's my girl!" he cheered. 

"Do I fucking look like Vanity to you?" I scowled at him. Vanity, is the name of his super crazy, outrageous, drug addict girlfriend. But the term 'girlfriend' does not mean much to Nikki. He'll fuck any girl with tits and a pulse. 

"Of course not; you're beautiful" he smiled at me and honestly, it reminded me of the damn Cheshire cat. 

"And you are messed up." I let out a sigh. It didn't take much for this man to test my patience. 

"Wow, is that any way to talk to your number one fan?" Nikki pouted at me, making me roll my eyes. 

"Alright, I think I've had enough of you for one night, Sixx" I said as I stood up from my chair and headed for the door. The hotel isn't too far from here. At least, I don't think it is. 

"Even if I told you that I've got something that you don't?" I could tell he was smirking just by the teasing sound of his voice. 

"Nikki I already told you, if it's smaller than three inches then it doesn't count." 

I felt him grab my wrist and practically spin me around. "Now you and I both know I'm way more than three inches babe," I rolled my eyes at his response making him laugh. "no but seriously, you in?" he asked as he revealed a little baggy from his leather jacket. A little baggy filled with the white powder I've come to enjoy. 


"I think you already know the answer" I looked up at him, my smirk matching his. 

"That's what I like to hear. What are we waiting for?" and with that, he dragged me out the door of the club before any of the band could see the mess I was about to get myself into. 

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