Chapter 6: Journey to Gora City

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-Iris's POV-

I don't get it.

I just don't get it. Why is this guy even helping me?

Out of all the people that were kind and generous, they didn't even try to help except this man and the old man. I get why the old man helped me but this Yuuto guy doesn't even know me.

He just found me in his carriage and he's now ready to help me even though we haven't met before. I don't see how that's possible.

There has to be another motive for why he's doing this. Nobody can be this nice to a witch like me. Especially when I'm cursed with these eyes.

Speaking of which, how did he do that? Not even the greatest magician can undo this curse yet he managed to block its power.

If he could do that then why couldn't he just break the curse? It could be because he's not that powerful but I can't be sure.

So far, this man was able to obstruct my powers like nothing. I don't even know where to start with how he was capable of doing such a thing. 

"Master, we're about five hours from Gora City. We should be able to get there by nightfall." The man named Kenji told Yuuto.

Kenji and Yuno were riding up front the carriage. Kenji was driving while Yuno sat next to him.

Yuuto said that those two were his brother and sister but they didn't really look alike. I can see Yuno and Yuuto looking alike due to their black hair but Kenji looks nothing like him.

Is he their half-brother? Was he wearing a wig?

I know nothing about these people yet they're going out of their way to help me. It just doesn't make any sense.

Besides Yuuto, whose energy I'm sensing is through the roof, I wasn't sensing anything from Kenji or Yuno. Everyone has an energy signature due to their souls but I wasn't sensing anything from Yuno and Kenji.

Could it be that they're blocking the signature? I've never heard of a spell that could do that before. 

And if they're blocking their signature, why isn't Yuuto doing the same? These people are just too suspicious!

I don't understand their motives for helping me and it's getting on my nerves. 

While Kenji and Yuno were up front, Yuuto and I were in the back. While I just sat there waiting to arrive at Gora City, Yuuto was giving off a happy grin while drawing something.

What was he drawing that made him so happy? I was going to ask him that but I asked him something else that I didn't intend to ask.

"How come you're helping me? We've barely met and yet your just helping me like we're good friends."

I didn't mean to ask him this but it just slipped out without my awareness. The curiosity must've gotten to me.

Yuuto sat there for a moment and thought about it. He then gave me a grin and told me his reason.

"Isn't helping someone in need only natural?"

That's his reason? It sounds so cheesy and lame that I'm pretty sure that it's a lie.

I wasn't convinced and he noticed it on my face. 

"Well, suppose that I don't help you and I just let you leave town while I stayed. I'll likely be questioned by whoever is chasing you and to tell you the truth, I'm not good at lying. Besides, they might've not wanted any witnesses and will likely kill me so it's not much point in not getting involved when I'm knee deep in the situation. Also, I do want to help you because what you're be going through shouldn't happen to a kid."

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