Chapter 118: Tracking

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Emerald finally returned to give us her report.

She could've called up through telepathy to do that but it seems that she wanted to do it in person.

"Master, Mother, I was able to track down the elemental spirits," Emerald told us.

At first, I was happy but Emerald continued her report.

"Unfortunately, I was spotted by them and had to flee in order to prevent myself from being captured."

"Hmm, that's alright. You made the right call." I told her.

"Also." Emerald continued.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I was able to record the elemental spirits' magic energy signatures. I thought that this would be of use to you."

That's great! That's exactly what we needed!

"Good work!" I started to pet Emerald for helping.

It looks like she liked it so I didn't see a problem with it. After I was done patting her, we continued with our plan.

Since Emerald was able to record the spirits' signatures, this will come in handy for us when we need to track them. I'll have to store the magic signatures on something for later.

Hmm, would a crystal work? I guess I can try.

I went over to a shelve and took out a plain magic crystal. It doesn't have any attributes which are why I'm using it.

"Emerald, come here for a minute," I told her.

Emerald walked over to me. I then gave her the crystal.

"I want you to try and transfer the signatures you recorded in this crystal by turning the information into magic data and pour it into the crystal," I instructed her.

Emerald confirmed her orders and transfer the signature information into the crystal. The crystal then started to turn black and then part of it turned dark green.

Emerald then gave me the crystal. I used [Analyze] on it to see what happened to the crystal.

It was no longer a plain magic crystal but a Magic Data Crystal. I can't believe that worked!

"Awesome!" I cheered with joy.

"What's up?" Leontine asked.

I then gave Leontine the crystal. When she examined it with [Anaylze], her eyes widened.

"How did you do that?!" She yelped.

"It was just a theory but I told Emerald to transfer the information on the spirits' magic signature into the crystal by digitizing it. This was the result." I explained.

"There's no way . . . Why didn't I think of this?!"

Leontine was frustrated and perturbed. She handed me the crystal back and stormed off muttering to herself.

"I didn't think she would get mad about it," I muttered to myself.

"Don't worry about Mother. She's just frustrated that she didn't come up with a faster and simpler way to store information. She wanted to do this because she wanted to avoid going through dozens of papers just to find the thing she wanted." Emerald told me.

"I see."

Well, while Leontine cools off, I need to get back to work. Alright, now that I have the information in the crystal, I can move onto the next step.

What I was planning to do was to make a tracking machine to help me find the spirits location. I was planning to make a small device to points me to their location but I decided to think a little bigger.

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