Chapter 72: Goddess Vs Chapinin

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Aw, geez.

I didn't mean to worry them but I needed to end this quickly. Hopefully, Leontine's plan will work out.

If not, I'm so gonna get scolded for this.

Once I went through the portal, I was now at the beach where Oena was. The waves started to get harsher and bigger.

The earth began to quake even more that I was starting to lose my balance and almost feel in the sand.

"Wow, I didn't expect Oena to get this angry."

[Oena and the rest of the gods despise me for what I've done. Since they're immortal, they can hold a grudge for as long as they like.] Leontine explained to me.

[I can see that. I'm starting to think that this plan of your might not work out.]

[Giving up is pointless now after coming so far. You'll just have to see through this till the end.] Leontine told me.

[Alright. Let's just get this over with.]

After I steered myself, I then shouted at the top of my lungs.


When I called out to the goddess, all I got was a wave of water crashing into me. I was not wet and covered half way in the sand.

This is gonna be difficult. I got up from the sand and called out the goddess again.

"Oena! You need to stop this!"

Another wave of water knocked back and I was now literally eating sand. I spit the sand out of my mouth and pushed on.

"You shouldn't punish the people of this city just because of me! They worship you and will do anything to please you."

There was no response. Come on, say something.

"At least say something! What's the matter? Too prideful to answer back?" I taunted her.

This better work, Leontine.

"Come on! I expected more than just you splashing water at me."

The waves were getting bigger to the point where I had to put up a barrier to keep me safe. This so better work out, Leontine!

"Are you gonna keep throwing water at me like a child or are you going to talk to me?!"

This seemed to work because Oena finally spoke up and boy, was she pissed.

"Chapinin!" Oena's voice boomed at me.

"Good, I got your attention!"

It seems Leontine's plan is working out so far. 

"You dare step foot on my territory?!" She roared at me.

"I know that you're angry about me being in the ocean but I had no choice in the matter." 

"You think that taking down the phantom who was ruining my festival month makes up for you, of all people, being in my territory? You got some nerves!"

Okay, I may have her attention but making her see reason is another story. How am I going to pull this off?

"Look, Fate asked me to help her with your festival because she knew that if you were enraged, this would happen." 

"This happened because of you! You were on the ocean when you weren't allowed to." 

"Only to stop Edgar who tried to rule over this city."

"That's not the point! You were on my territory! You, the Chapinin! The one who defied the gods and became immortal to avoid our wrath." 

"That was Leontine! As you can see, I'm not her." 

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