Chapter 13: Questions And Answers

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The moment I woke up the following morning, I kept the shop closed for the night and made a sign that today was a closed day.

After I dealt with that, I got dressed and headed outside along with Iris. Yuno and Kenji went out on a quest together so it was just Iris and me this time. 

Kenji and Yuno suggested that they should stay with me but I told them that they should do a quest. Besides, I may have built them for protection but that didn't mean I wasn't capable of protecting myself.

In fact, just to be safe, I placed a detection barrier around me for any hostiles that would like to steal or kill me. Since Iris was with me, I need the barrier to be connected to her too.

She didn't know about the barrier because she may know I can use magic but that didn't mean I should show her everything. The reason I'm not telling her everything is so she doesn't spill the beans if she gets captured.

I didn't even tell her about Kenji and Yuno. If word got out that they were robots, there would be alot of problems. We'd have to close the shop forever and go into hiding.

I don't want my new life to get ruin because of my carelessness. I do plan to tell Iris but not until I know for a fact that there isn't any trouble.

I didn't know where I could get the best information so I'll ask some adventurers at an Inn. I'll also talk to the manager just to be safe.

Once I arrived at the Inn, the place was packed. There were mostly adventurers singing and telling stories.

They all seemed really happy and some of them looked like they just escaped from a fight or won one. They were all drinking and I could smell the alcohol in the air.

Was there a battle or something? Since they were drinking booze in the morning, it must be because they won a battle or something.

"Those barbarians didn't know what hit them!"

"And that's when I slew down the enemy on his wolf!"

"Those magic users weren't even enough for me!"

I was overhearing some conversations that made me think that there was an intense battle. Something about barbarians riding wolfs and also along with magic users.

Regardless, it was none of my business so I stayed out of them and walked over to the counter to talk to the bartender. I then hear a name that catches my attention.

"I'm telling you, that Billy Mercer isn't someone to mess around with. If he wanted to, he could've killed me in a second. I'm surprised that he let me live."

I heard the name of one of the people on my list. I couldn't help myself so I walk over to the man that spoke of this Billy Mercer.

"Hi there." I greeted the table of adventurers.

"Hey, you're that guy that runs The Mithril Star, right?" One of the adventurers asked.

"I am and I couldn't help but overhear one of you fella talking about a Billy Mercer, correct?"

"That would be me." The adventurer with leather armor told me.

He was wearing brown leather armor but no helmet. I saw on his waist that he had a sword and dagger.

I took a look at his status and noticed that his name was Tommy Zone. He was level forty-five and his job was an adventurer.

"Could you tell me about this Billy Mercer? I'm still new to this city and I've been hearing that name quite a while." I tried to persuade.

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