Chapter 39: Opportunities

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-Hector's POV-

Living the life of a bandit is difficult. 

It's especially difficult when you have to lead a bunch of morons that either doesn't listen to you or does listen to you but they failed to get it right. Either way, you're still commanding a bunch of air-heads that would raid and rapes women. 

Not only that but there's the fact that we bandits have to keep a low profile. Since we can't exactly do what we want all the time, we have to stay in hiding until we're ready to hit the streets.

This is different in other cities because some bandit leaders I know control their city as it was all in the palm of their hands. But for me?

I don't own Trinity City and I probably never will.  That's the kind of bandit life I'm currently living.

I wish I could have my way and make things go however I want but that's impossible. With the resources I have, I'd be lucky to raid a village without losing.

This bandit group I'm in was on the edge of destruction if it wasn't for me. Before I became the bandit leader, this bandit group wasn't doing so well and because of that, we weren't getting what we wanted.

I took up the job as the leader when our old one was killed, by me. I was tired of us always getting the short end of the stick so I wanted to change that.

At first, I asked the bandit leader to change his methods so we could finally get what we want but he told me to "Know my place." I was sick of his rules and challenged him for the job.

I wasn't strong enough to take out the leader so I didn't think I would win but somehow, I did. I didn't cheat or anything of that nature, I won fair and square.

Once I took the job as the leader, I changed our rules so we could finally get what we want and no longer have to sit back and watch as the other bandits in the other groups get what they want. Unfortunately, even when I changed the rules and tried to take what we wanted, we only obtained less than a quarter than what we should've taken.

After that, I realized that even when I became the boss and tried to change things so they could go my way, I still didn't get what I wanted. I wanted an easy life where I could take what I wanted whenever I felt like it but instead, I'm stuck with a bunch of idiots that get themselves in trouble more times than I can eve count.

I want things to change. I want to finally get what I wanted and there would be no one to stop me. 

I don't know what I have to do to make that happen but if there's anything to make my dream a reality, I'll take it no matter what. 

"Boss! We got a message from The Witch Bandit." A bandit underling barged into my office and handed me a letter.

I took it from him and told him to leave. 

That bandit said Hazel sent this, right? I wonder what she wants.

I then opened up the letter and checked it out. When I was done reading it, I felt as if all my praying for a change has finally come true.

This is it! This is my chance!

Finally, after half a decade of leading and bossing around mindless idiots, I get to finally obtain the one thing I wanted. Everything!

"Hey! Get in here!" I called the bandit that sent this letter to me.

"Yes, boss?" He asked.

"Gather all the bandits and get ready for a heist. We've got work to do." I told him.

The bandit then ran out my office with a smile on his face. 

Starting right here and now, things are going to change for the better. I can't wait to finally make things go my way.

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