Chapter 44: The Breach

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-Kenji's POV-

I know that Master told me to follow his orders to the letter but I still can't shake the uneasy feeling. 

Even though I'm not even human, I can still feel human emotions. That's one of my flawed features.

Due to the stress I'm building up, I'm getting the urge to drop everything and run into that castle. Unfortunately, I can't since I'm following orders.

My orders from Master was to lead a group of soldiers that the king offered to him. Master planned to raid Hazel's castle and apprehend all of the bandits including Hazel herself.

I know about Master's abilities and I have no doubts that he'll be fine but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still feeling this tension. Human emotions are a peculiar thing, to say the least.

To make matters worse, Yuno is having trouble with her emotions as well. Especially when we saw that bandit punch Master in the face to knock him out. 

Yuno flipped out and almost charged at the bandit if I hadn't been there. It was a good thing I was there because if I hadn't stop Yuno, Master's plan would fail.

Not only that but Yuno would feel guilty for ruining Master's plan. Since we were built by Master, we aren't actually blood-related but that doesn't change the fact that I consider Yuno as my sister.

I'm guessing that this is part of Master's programming. Since I'm technically the oldest due to my appearance, I have to play the role of the big brother.

With that in mind, it's no wonder why I feel so anxious. Hell, I wanted to attack the bandit that hit Master myself but I knew full well that this was all part of Master's plan.

Despite all that, I still felt the urge to kill that bandit. Yep, human emotions are a strange thing.

[Yuno, did you deal with the bandits that were preparing the traps?] I talked to Yuno through our Coms that Master installed.

[Yes, I managed to deal with the bandits that were setting up the traps. All that's left is drawing the bridge so you and the soldiers can enter.]

[Good. After you draw the bridge, go find Iris and get her out of here.]

[B-but what about Master? I don't think we should leave him alone with Hazel.]

As usual, Yuno was worried for our Master. Fortunately, Master can take care of himself fine.

It makes me wonder why he even needs us since he can handle most of the problems we've faced. But, I'm not going to judge Master's reasons.

Right now, I have a castle to raid.

Once the bridge came down, I ordered the soldiers the charge. The bandits soon arrived and there was a major battle happening inside the castle.

Weapons were clashing against other weapons. Soldiers and bandits getting slaughtered.

I didn't care about any of that. My only objective is to follow Master's orders and deal with as many bandits as possible.

Now then, let's get this show going.

-Yuno's POV-

Alright, with the bridge down, Kenji should already be dealing with the bandits attacking them. 

My next mission is to find Iris. It's a good thing Master installed a magic signature tracker. 

With that ability, I'm able to find certain people through their magic wavelengths. Every person's magic wavelength is different so finding Iris is easy since her wavelength in recorded in my memory bank.

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