Chapter 109: The Magic Stampede

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"Yuno, fifteen to twenty enemies behind us!" I informed Yuno.

"I know! I just sensed that giant amount of energy just now!" 

Yuno then got out of the driver's seat and jumped towards where I was.

"What do we do, Master?" Yuno asked.

Before I could answer Yuno, some kind of flying creature swooped down to grab me but Yuno saw it and fired a lightning bolt at it. When I got a closer look, I realized that it was a . . . Griffon?!

What I was looking at was an honest to goodness Griffon. It had the head, wings, and talons of an eagle and had the legs, body, and tail of a lion. 

I know this isn't the time but . . . Awesome! 

It's an actually Griffin! Seeing one of these was one of my dreams since I got into fantasy. 

Well, I guess I can cross seeing a griffin off my bucket list! 

While I was geeking out, the Griffin attempted to attack me again but Yuno intercepted it before it could get close. 

"No one touches Master! Not even you, birdbrain!" 

Yuno then fired a couple lightning bolts at it. It seemed that that attack Yuno just did was enough to take it down because it just crashed into the ground.

"Thanks, Yuno." I thanked her.

"Master, you should've been more careful! You know that it's bad to in deep thoughts when a situation like this happens." Yuno scolded me. 

"R-right, my bad." 

While we were talking, I noticed something in the sky. When I looked up, there was about a fleet of griffins coming for us.

This can't be real . . . T-that's alot of griffins.

"The hell is going on out here?" Billy asked while poking his head out the Carriage. 

When he did, his face turned really pale. 

"Holy crap! What the hell?!" Billy yelped in surprise.

"Billy! I need you to drive the carriage before we crash!" I told Billy.

"B-but what about . . ." Billy pointed at the army of monsters coming towards us.

"Don't worry about them! We'll make sure that they don't get near us but we need to keep moving in order for that to happen. Go!" I ordered him.

Billy got the message and went to drive the carriage. While he did that, I went back inside the carriage to warn the others. 

"You guys need to stay inside. There's alot of enemies and it's bad if you guys get caught in the middle of it." I told them.

Nami wanted to help but her priority now was keeping Iris safe. I told her that Yuno and I would take care of the monsters. 

I looked over to Scarlett and saw that she was scared out of her mind. She was shaking and making a horrified face.

Since we're under attack, I can see why she's like this. I wanted to make sure that I could protect her and Iris so I needed to deal with the monsters.

I quickly got back outside the carriage so I could deal with the enemies. 

. . . Uh, did more of them show up? When I got outside, I noticed that there were alot more enemies than before. 

Not only that but there seem to be different ones as well. There weren't just griffins and rock monsters but centaurs with bows and arrows, Wyverns, and even satyrs with cavemen like weapons. 

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