Chapter 108: On To The Next City

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"What?" I asked Billy who was staring at me with a disturbed expression.

". . . I never knew you could be so . . . aggressive." Billy muttered. 

All I did was stare at him with a confused face as if I didn't know what he meant. To be honest, I knew full well what he meant by that.

When we took down those shady guys that were after me, I then interrogated the leader of the group to get some information. Apparently, Billy didn't know about my way of obtaining information and was shocked to see it first hand.

Once I was done getting the information I needed, I told Billy to tie up the shady men and leave them in the alleyway. We then left and went back to the Inn where the others were waiting for us.

Once we got there, everyone else was in the carriage and ready to depart. We didn't waste any time and soon left the Town and resumed our journey to the next city. 

"Hey, where's Kenji?" Nami asked while in her cat form.

"Oh, he's currently helping Leontine out in any way he can," I told her. 

"Eh? Isn't Leontine that Immortal Chapinin that died when she gave her immortality to you?" Billy asked.

Oh yeah. Billy doesn't know that Leontine's now a robot.

"Well, Leontine left a part of herself in me and I transferred it into a robot body," I explained.

"Huh?! Wait, so doesn't that mean Leontine's wish didn't come true?!" Billy asked in shock.

"Not exactly. She is dead but part of her is currently a robot. The bright side is that part of Leontine isn't worried about wanting to die since she's already dead. Since her wish was granted, she can rest easy." 

"That doesn't make any sense at all!" Billy boomed.

"Y-yeah, I guess so," I muttered. 

 Billy's kind of right. Leontine's current situation doesn't make much sense at all. 

Even if this side of Leontine embraces immortality, it's not like she still doesn't want to die. The bad part is even if her robot body is destroyed, she'll still remain in my mind for all eternity. 

So, in a way, there are now two immortal Chapinins. 

I decided to leave that thought for a later date and focused on the information I got from the shady leader.

Apparently, those shady men were hired by the guy, Zane, that tried to hire Billy to kidnap me. He's also the guy that hired David to hunt me down.

I knew that this guy would try and get to me but I didn't expect shady men. I was expecting another Killer For Hire, but I guess that's not the case.

While I was thinking about this, I looked over at Scarlett and saw that she was by herself and keeping her head down. When I looked at the others, Nami and Billy were staring at her with suspicion while Iris glared at her with malice.

"Hey, could you tone it down a notch? You're scaring Scarlett." I told them.

When I said this, Scarlett looked up at me with confusion but also a bit of hope. Nami, Billy, and Iris had different expressions.

"Why should we? Scarlett's one of the top five deadliest Killers For Hire, remember?" Nami reminded me.

"Yeah, she can burn down a dozen villages without even any hesitation," Billy added.

"She's dangerous," Iris simply said.

Every word they said about Scarlett pierced her like an arrow. She then lost hope and sulked once more.

Good grief. This is getting us nowhere.

"I will also remind you that all of those the things Scarlett has committed wasn't even Scarlett. It was Infernus who did all those bad things. Scarlett's just like the rest of Infernus's victims."

They weren't convinced and continued to distance themselves away from Scarlett while watching her every movement. Geez, these people don't know when to quit.

I gave up on convincing the others of Scarlett's innocence and went over to her. She was so depressed that she didn't even react when I got near her.

"Sorry that my companions don't trust you." I apologized to her.

". . . I-it's okay. After all the things Infernus has done, I don't really blame them for not trusting me."

"But that wasn't you. Infernus did all of those bad things. You were just some meatsuit she could use to toy around with."

My reasoning didn't get through to her because she shook her head and denied it. Man, Infernus sure made Scarlett's life hell.

This just makes me want to get rid of Infernus more. If I did this, Scarlett would be free from her.

Though, that does raise a certain question. Due to all of what Infernus has done, what would Scarlett do if she was free from her?

Infernus made a name for Scarlett and made her a very powerful force to be reckoned with. With Infernus gone, Scarlett would be defenseless, right?

There's alot of people after Scarlett and she's only gotten this far ahead due to Infernus. Without Infernus, Scarlett wouldn't last long enough in this world.

Maybe I can help her. Yeah, I can change her identity so she could roam around the world without being hunted.

Hell, I could even give her an isolated place to stay at so she could live in peace, without trouble. It's the least I can do for her.

I was about to tell Scarlett this until I realized that she fell asleep. That was quick.

She was even able to sleep even when the others are glaring at her. I'm amazed.

Well, since Scarlett's asleep, I guess I can discuss the information I've obtained with the others.

"So, Zane's trying to get to you again, huh," Nami stated.

"Yeah, but expected him to hire another Killer for Hire like David but there haven't been any signs of them."

"That's probably because the rest are busy," Billy suggested.

"That could be the case," I muttered.

While I was thinking this, I felt a powerful magical surge coming right at us. I quickly rushed out the Carriage to see where the hell that magic surge was coming from and I witnessed something jaw-dropping.

The magic surge I was sensing was coming from a stampede of rock monsters coming our way.

 Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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