Chapter 70: What Goes Around, Comes Around

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-Edgar's POV-

"Karma? What is this nonsense?" I scoffed at the masked man.

"This is not nonsense, Mr. Phantom Pirate. What you're doing is a bad deed and with that bad deed comes consequences." He plainly said to me.

What the hell is this guy trying to do? Who the hell is he?

His voice is distorted and his entire appearance is covered so I can't confirm anything except the fact that he's obviously a man. What the hell is going on?

"So, I'm guessing you're going to be my consequences?" 

"That's right. For attempting to turn Yona City into your own personal ghost city, you will be put to rest." He declared.

"Put to rest? I will never be put to rest until I get my vengeance!" I roared at the masked man.

"Unfortunately, you won't be getting it." 

This bastard!

"Kill this bastard!" I ordered my men.

They then charged at the masked man slashing their swords at him. 

"Oh dear, I wanted to solve this quick and peacefully but I guess that's no longer possible." 

Karma then jumped up and avoided my men's swords.

"Head's up!" Karma seemed to be holding something.

He dropped it and there was a big flash. I couldn't see anything but I could hear my men wailing in pain. 

Holy light, huh. I could tell that this had some kind of holy magic because not only my men were in pain but so was I.

The light faded but instead of my men disappearing, they were still here but severely disabled. 

"Huh? How are you and your men not sent to the afterlife?" Karma looked confused despite his face being hidden.

"Hahahaha!" I laughed at the clueless masked man.

"Is there something funny, Mr. Phantom Pirate?" Karma asked.

"Yes, there is! Did you honestly think that you could take my men and me down so easily?" 

"Honestly, yes." 

"Pwaaahahaha!" I laughed even harder.

This clueless bastard! He has no idea what we are, does he?

"Since you obviously know something I don't, could you kindly elaborate?" He asked kindly but he seemed to be a little angry.

"My men and I aren't what you call ordinary ghosts," I told him.

"Please be a little more specific." 

Dear lord, this man is clueless.

"You see, Karma, my men and I were turned into spirits by an unspeakable force! Not only that but my vengeance is also the cause of my sudden transformation." 

"That's what happens to all ghosts. They feel something holding them here and they won't leave until then. The most known reason for ghosts is revenge." 

Even though he's clueless about my existence, he sure knows alot then he led on. Still, if he doesn't understand then I'll have to properly explain.

"That's right. My sole purpose when I came back was revenge for the person that killed me and my men. I want to make that person suffer, but that's not all."

"Please, do tell."

Hearing this little bastard is starting to piss me off. Regardless, I continued my explanation.

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