Chapter 129: Battle Of The Elements Part 2

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I'm glad that I was able to save Billy in time. 

If I was just a few seconds late, then Billy's head would be rolling on the ground by now. Regardless, now that I'm here, that means the real fun starts now. 

Behind me, I opened up a portal and got my Combat Bots coming through. There was a couple hundred more than before because I was too worried that just one hundred combat bots wouldn't be enough. 

I believe that there was a total of five hundred Combat Bots this time. They were all wearing cloaks and masks to prevent others from recognizing them.

Also, the Combat Bots that went through the portal was only about two hundred and fifty of them. The other two hundred and fifty were sent into the city to protect the civilians from the rampaging monsters that managed to get inside. 

Even so, when the spirits saw only have my Combat Bots, they were shocked beyond belief. Heh, looks like they weren't expecting that.

"You have your army and I have mine. Let's see who's is superior, shall we?" I asked while smiling under my mask.

This angered the blue-haired woman.

"I won't be defeated by some masked fool! Just because you have an army of your own doesn't mean it's superior to ours!" She roared at me.

"If you're so confident that your army will succeed, then let's see if you can back it up," I dared her.

"You asked for it! Basalt, Azura, advance!" 

At the sound of Aquanis's command, the other spirits ordered their monsters to attack us. I then ordered my Combat Bots to attack too.

When the griffins swooped down to destroy my Bots, I ordered my archer unit to shoot them down. Since they were bots, their precision was spot on and they easily killed the griffins and the rest of the flying monsters. 

"The hell?!"

"My babies!" 

Both Aquanis and Azura screamed when they saw my Archer unit slaughter their flying monsters. 

"N-no way," Billy muttered. 

Oh yeah, I forgot that Billy was still with us. 

"Sors, get Billy out of here and to where the others are," I told Yuno also known as Sors." 


Yuno then grabbed Billy and leaped away back to the city. 

"Damn you! I won't lose to the likes of you!" Aquanis sneered. 

Hmm, her personality looks familiar. Where have I seen it before?

Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway. 

"Basalt, send in the golems!"


Basalt then summoned her earth golems to march forward. There were about four to five of them.

They were all in the level five-hundreds so they were pretty powerful. Unfortunately, not powerful enough if they're fighting against me.

"Heavy Weapons Unit, attack! Also, Archers, cover them if needed." I ordered my Bots.

The bots followed my orders and advanced towards the earth golems. The archers also prepared themselves if things got dicey for the Heavy Weapons Unit.

Once both parties were face to face with each other, the golems attempted to smash my heavy hitters. Luckily, my heavy weapons Unit were still mobile despite carrying heavy weapons.

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