Chapter 22: Training Time

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Geez, what kind of development is this?

First, I travel to escape the killer for hire that's after me and now I see a giant magical tree that can provide magic energy that any magician would love to get their hands on. Can't we just go with some bandits raiding a town or something?

I know that we already dealt with bandits but still, this is too sudden! 

Despite my ranting, I did, however, believe that seeing something like this did have a meaning. Since Whitney's old master was the one that protected this place before, I think that Whitney is supposed to defend this place.

That being said, I don't think she's ready though considering that she just figured out about the tree. I looked over at her and saw that she was still gazing at the blue glowing tree with a mystified expression.

"Hey." I tried to bring Whitney back to reality.

"Huh? What's up?" She asked.

"I don't know how long I'm going to be staying here so what would you say if I told you that I will train you in alchemy so that you will be successful in your business?" 

"You'll actually help me?" She asked.

"Yeah. It'll be fun."

Whitney seemed to like the idea because she started to smile brightly. I was the smile of an innocent girl and it was really something.

Part of me was actually starting to see her in a different way but I held those immoral desires back and locked them up in the deepest part of my subconscious. After I dealt with my sinful thoughts, we decided to head back to the others.

Once we got back, we got on the carriage and rode back to Kald Town. What I wanted to do first was train Whitney in alchemy.

I know that she knows the basics but I want to see how much. After that, I want to see if she knows the other methods that aren't used often. 

Using different methods when doing something is useful because there might be one that's suited for you. During my time in the library, I learned multiple ways to do alchemy.

There were some known methods and there were some that were used once but were forgotten afterward. Some of the methods I used seemed pretty useful to me so I practice them so that I could remember it.

This will be what I'll be doing with Whitney. First, I show her the methods and then I'll let her try it to see if she can handle it.

Once we arrived at Kald Town, we went inside Whitney's shop and cleaned it. It was still trashed so in order for me to teach Whitney, we'll need a proper place to work in and a messy workplace isn't an ideal working environment for me.

It didn't take long to clean up so after we were done, I started my training with Whitney. We were in her little alchemy lab and I looked around. 

This placed used to be filled with broken material but after we cleaned that all up, it looked like a proper place to make your potions. Since this place was nice and tidy, I started my lessons with Whitney.

So far, after a few questions, she seems to know the basics really well. I asked her questions I order from easy to difficult and she answered them all easily.

To be honest, I'm impressed that she knew some of them. Some of my questions were kind of outdated so most alchemist wouldn't know the answer but she answered them without any trouble.

I'm guessing that this was her Master's doing. She must have studied a lot and considering the giant magic tree, she has gained alot of knowledge that normal alchemist shouldn't have.

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