Chapter 119: A Sudden Invasion

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"Everyone, we're heading towards the city! The spirits sent in monsters to invade Doma so we need to stop them." I ordered the others.

"Understood, Karma." They soon ran off straight towards the city. 

I know why this is happening. The spirits don't want to take any chances of us finding them so they summoned monsters to distract us. 

I don't know how strong the enemy is but this won't stop me from chasing after the spirits. I'll just have to figure out another way to find them.

I then left the abandoned building and ran off to the city like the others. I checked my map to see how far the monsters were and they were a couple miles from each other.

I informed Kenji and Yuno, who was ordered to stay at the shop, that there's going to be a likely invasion and they should prepare themselves. They were also ordered to protect Iris and the others at all cost.

We finally made it to where the monsters were and I realized how many we were dealing with. We were dealing with a freakin' army of these guys.

There were even monsters that we've encountered before like the centaurs, satyrs, and even the griffons. Geez, there's alot of these now than before.

When I arrived at the scene, the maids came over to me.

"Karma, I'm detecting about a couple hundred monsters heading towards the city. All in the level hundreds but only one is about close to six-hundred and it's not here at the moment." Elizabeth informed me.

A level six-hundred monster? What is it?

"Do you know what kind of monster it is?" I asked.

"Yes. It's a triple S Rank monster known as The Manticore." Elizabeth told me.

Huh?! A Manticore?!

So, we're talking about a beast with a body of a lion, wings, and also a snake or scorpion tail? You gotta be kidding me!

"Karma, what do we do about the Manticore when it comes back?" Rose asked.

". . . Since it's only level six-hundred, I assume that you four can deal with it, right?" I asked to confirm.

"Yes. We're able to deal with the Manticore." Sapphire confirmed.

"Alright. When the Manticore gets here, Rose and Emerald with help me deal with it. Understand?" 

"Understood, Karma."

Once they all agreed, we then went over to where the monsters were and attacked them. All of the maids and me scattered and took some of them on our own.

I was dealing with a few centaurs and satyrs along with some rock giants and a griffon as well. They were all pretty tough but that's only because I didn't have any attack magic so I had to fight in close quarters and use my grenades when necessary.

Well, I wouldn't say they're tough but it was difficult to deal with them. Even with my maxed out strength and speed, I'm not that fit with hand to hand combat.

I really need a weapon besides my grenades. Maybe I can make something later on.

While I was thinking that, one of the centaurs I was fighting shot an arrow at me but I managed to catch it. When the centaur saw this, his face turned pale as I sent the arrow back at him as if I shot it with a bow. 

The arrow pierced the centaur's chest and he fell over. One of the satyrs tried to stab me with a dagger but I grabbed his arm and thrust the blade into him.

The fight went on for a few moments and then I noticed that some of the monsters began to advance towards the city again and completely ignoring us. That's not good! 

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