one: take notes

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i like it i'm twenty five
i know you like me
i got this i'm truly fine
i think i know a little bit about myself now

jeongguk hummed along to the song, lightly playing throughout his favourite coffee shop.

he couldn't help but display a smile, proud that he had finally given the cashier a list of song suggestions a little while ago, which the cashier had gladly accepted.

he just hated the boring old piano music they would play, just making all the customers fall asleep. it wasn't even the type of classical music jeongguk would've enjoyed listening too. it was a very generic tune, that'd repeat itself over and over and over again.

what jeongguk hadn't expected, was that the kind cashier would pass his list onto the manager.

the next time he had gone there, he didn't hear the boring old tune, but his favourite —a daily song by hwang chi-yeul.

the same cashier he gave the list to recognized him, telling him how she had passed it onto her manager, who decided to put it to good use. she even said someone had come and told her they really enjoy the new music a couple of days ago.

jeongguk's still had his satisfied smile on, with his sketchbook in hand, sketching the pots of plants that hung from the ceiling of the coffee shop. he was so concentrated that he didn't realize a stranger approach him, not until the stranger pulled out the chair in front of his, due to the friction from the legs of the chair and the marbled floor releasing a light sound.

jeongguk looked up to see a young man, maybe a bit older than him, sitting on the chair that was always empty with a grin.

with no reaction, as usual, jeongguk turned back to his sketchbook and focused his sight back on the plants.

"i heard you're the one who changed the boring music here," the man spoke. "you have great taste."

without looking away from his sketchbook, jeongguk muttered out a thanks.

"you're not going to ask why i'm sitting here?" he said after a while of watching jeongguk sketching.

"do i need to?" jeongguk decided to reply, once again not looking away from his sketchbook.

"i guess not, i'll still tell you, but only once. so take notes in that little sketchbook of yours," he said and motions to the sketchbook with his head, which had been left unnoticed by jeongguk as he still remained focused on his sketch.

"full name, kim taehyung, my friends call me tae, twenty-two, ramyun master, and interested in music, coffee and you, phone number, xx-x-xxx-xxxx. hope you got all of that."

jeongguk finally looked up from his sketchbook to the man, taehyung, "sorry, did you say something?"

taehyung let out a light chuckle, and rose from his seat, "see-ya."

jeongguk watched as he left the coffee shop, and walked in the opposite direction jeongguk would usually go. his gaze followed taehyung until he was out of sight, and went back to the sketchbook.

beside the little plants he had sketched, there were words he had written in a nice cursive.

kim taehyung
likes ramyun and coffee
good taste in music
must sketch
colour palette
- brown
- blue
- gold

jeongguk displayed a light smile, remembering his hands moving to write this as it had a mind of its own.

yes another cliché coffee shop encounter
it's mostly going to be short chapters, a few long ones here and there.

(also, is that how korean phone numberss are formatted??)

no one's probably reading this, yet to the few readers, i hope you enjoyed.

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